How will you know if the guy likes you? I mean what are the signs? Guys nowadays are unpredictable. 🥴

  1. I think we are all humans and if it’s a girl or a guy there is a common signs like a smile when they talking to you, sparks in eyes. They ask about you, ask you out.

    But it really depends why you ask. If you don’t date this guy just ask him out for a coffee. If you already date and wonder if he likes you if she asks you on a next date (if we talk about a girl if she agrees to the next date she likes you)

  2. No, guys are not unpredictable. You might have a problem reading the signs that every human, knowingly or not knowingly, send. Work on your social skills

  3. Look for them being really shy and nervous with you, looking for excuses to look at you or be with you, they’ll probably want to hang out with you a lot, and they probably ask you a lot of questions about yourself.

  4. Usually you don’t have to guess when someone likes you, in my experience when they truly like you they’ll be consistently in touch and want to see you as often as possible. If you have to guess it’s a bad sign, usually they’re seeing someone else they like more, they’re a commitment phobe or they’re not sure if they like you. Again being unsure is a bad sign cos if they meet someone they’re sure they like they will choose her over you. If you feel he’s playing mind games keep seeing other people till you find someone who’s sure about you and knows what he wants.

  5. Constant invitations to hangout / finding excuses to spent time with you, trying to talk with you constantly, he heart react ti any of the comments you do on his photos, if you send him a birthday message, he gets very happy about that and sometimes over reacted, he is shy around you, stuff like that

  6. Bro who knows these days. People are so quick to change their minds it doesn’t even matter. Just go with the flow and if it feels things you want aren’t happening just move on

  7. Each of us has our own mate selection screening process and *must haves list*.

    Each of us has our own “red flags”, boundaries, and “deal breakers”.

    Everyone also has their own “love language” or things *they need* in order to *feel liked or loved*.

    Granted in the beginning people often bend over backwards to impress or win someone over so they may be doing all the things *you want* and yet they are not being their “authentic self”.

    Therefore, precede cautiously during the “*infatuation/honeymoon phase*” of a new relationship.

    Oftentimes, it can take several weeks or a few months to *truly get to know* someone.

    When you realize someone is *unable/unwilling* to meet your needs it’s usually best to move on.

    If something *doesn’t feel right to you*, it’s probably *not right for you*.

    ***”Never separate your mind from your heart when making relationship decisions. The purpose of the mind is to protect the heart.”*** – Kevin Darné

    ***”Dating is primarily a numbers game…. People usually go through a lot of people to find good relationships. That’s just the way it is.”*** – Henry Cloud

    Best wishes!

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