Yesterday, I snapped at my boyfriend for the first time and I feel horrible.

We were just lounging on the couch before bed and I get a call from a stranger saying they found my pug, wondering the streets in the middle of the night. That night I was 40 minutes away from home and my mom was supposed to be watching her.

The strangers left a voicemail and my calls kept going to voicemail over, and over again – so I started panicking. While I’m doing this my boyfriend was hovering over me, asking why it’s such a big deal, why am I worried, and I was just getting overstimulated and overwhelmed since I was panicking a bit, he was also moving like he was going to grab my phone from me while I was trying to call them – I snapped and just said “go”. That was it.
I immediately apologized and told him I was even shocked I snapped, I NEVER raise my voice or snap at people. Eventually I was able to get ahold of them, turns out my mom left her outside and she got out of the backyard, and my mom left for bingo so she had no clue my dog got out. He then offered to go with me to get her, and then on the drive said that he shouldn’t have to go with me and it was a one person job.

But I feel so terrible for snapping at him, I apologized profusely to the point where he told me I’m being annoying. I’m just so upset with myself for that, it was so out of my character that it honestly scared me. Now I’m also anxious he’s going to break up with me since I did snap at him.

How do I stop feeling horrible and beating myself up over this? I feel like a horrible mean person.

  1. your dog is super important to you and your fear just got the best of you. Your boyfriend understands. Now just let it go. You already apologized, now move forward. It sort of wasn’t all that nice that your boyfriend said that getting her was a “one person job” must maybe in that moment he was just mad that you snapped at him. I consider you both even, lol.

  2. Jesus. Get a hold of yourself. You’ll snap a million times at him over your time together. No need to break down everytime it happens.

    And the fact he wasn’t there for you means he deserves it.

  3. You’re fine, OP. Your boyfriend seems not that kind from what you’ve written here, to be honest. Happy your pug is okay!

  4. 🙁 Don’t feel bad. He should have been more supportive instead of trying to shrug it off like nbd.

  5. Are you a people pleaser who sacrifices her own boundaries bc she doean’t want to risk upsetting people?

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