Assuming that this genre isn’t exactly everyone’s cup of tea, I’d love to hear your story. What got you hooked?

  1. My family has always been pretty into music, and I’m the youngest so I grew up with my mom listening to Bruce Springsteen, my brother listening to Black Sabbath, and my sister listening to Britney Spears and Tupac. I got a little of everything, which is why my favorites now are Taylor Swift, Wage War, and Joyner Lucas 😆

    But alternative / metal is my primary genre. I don’t really know why, it’s just what I’ve always liked the most.

  2. The radio station was grunge and hard rock. “90s and now”, back in like 2004. Basically lit the way. But, my music tastes in general were pretty angry back then. I didn’t realize how angry of a kid I was at the time.

  3. Tbh anime fan made music videos when I was in middle school. Grew out of the anime, but delved deeper into the music. Helps that my fiancé is a metal head so I’m much more comfortable going to shows ☺️


    I used to work at an FYE around the time their album Indestructible was released so it played in the store a lot. I got hooked!

  5. My friends have always been into it, so I ended up hearing a lot of it. Grew up listening to the cousins of metal (punk, hard rock, etc.) so I can appreciate the heavy, but prefer the more mild metal.

    Also because heavy bass and drum lines get me going.

  6. Weirdly enough, the Barbie Diaries movie. The music in that movie was a bit pop/punk-ish, so 10 year old me looked up the artist, found her other pop punk music (the artists name is Skye Sweetnam, she’s in a metal band now!), and I became obsessed. From there, I became hooked on rock music, started hanging out with the emo kids when I went to high school, and my taste gradually got heavier from there

  7. I got into cradle of filth when I was 11/12 thanks to my friend. Also FYE was around so I was able to find more bands that I liked.

  8. My dad had a black sabbath CD and he didn’t much care for it. CDs were expensive back in ye olden timey days so he didn’t want to get rid of it, and he tossed it my way as a “eh, maybe the kids will like it” kind of thing. My brother thought it was awful, but my response was “oh yes please, more of this.” Quick road to Metallica from there, and that was kind of it.

  9. I was rebelling against the pop music that was everywhere in the late 90s/early 00s so when TRL started featuring heavier stuff I was hooked.

  10. I reallllly love guitars. I’ve been obsessed since I was a little kid. The first time I heard a real guitar solo I was in heaven! I lean towards shred metal, prog and thrash, but I don’t mind some death metal and classic metal either.

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