What to do if your girlfriend finds out that her cousin is your ex?

  1. Depends which one of my exes but most of them it ended on good terms.
    So nothing much?
    She knows I’m with her because I want her and no one else

  2. I know a guy who had a kid with a chick, and then had a kid with her cousin. She must not have cared too much.

  3. My brain this morning… I first read it as “what to do if your girlfriend finds out your cousin is your ex?”

  4. In the given scenario nothing changed for me. I dated her cousin, now I am dating her. Decision made. The real question is whether anything changed for her because of that knowledge

  5. They ARE going to talk. It’s better to be honest and preempt any gossip they’ll do beforehand

  6. Have a good laugh about it and do a deep dive together to see if we might have met in years prior and not known it

  7. Ask for a threesome, either you get an unforgetable experience or you go out in a blaze of glory.

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