Men, what careers do women have that you find attractive?

  1. Nothing. There are unattractive careers, but not attractive ones in my perspective. I just care that she’s a functional adult that can take care of herself.

  2. The one she’s passionate about! And has reasonable work hours. It’s great to be with someone who enjoys work instead of complaining about it everyday. And I’d want to spend quality time with her so a normal 40 hr job would be ideal.

  3. Literally could not care less. I care about things that have to do with her and the relationship we would have, like her personality and physical attractiveness.

    In my experience, women care **WAY** more about what a man does for work than the other way around.

  4. None, it works very differently for men than women that way. Women typically care about what a man will do for a career in the long term. Men typically do not care what a woman will do for a career in the long term.

    It may not be what people want to hear but it’s very true. Women put a lot of emphasis on what a man does for a career when she is looking for a long term partner while men typically do not give it a second to thought as to what a woman does for work.

  5. Doesn’t really matter as long as she can financially support herself 🤷‍♂️

    I can’t say there’s any that are attractive, but there are some that are unattractive. Those being ones that take up a lot of time or are night shift. For example, many nurses.

  6. We don’t care about her career at all to be honest, as long as she’s attractive to us and easy to get along with

  7. For most of us and the most part, we couldn’t care less about your job as long as it pays your bills.

  8. As long as you’re not in a job you hate and aren’t staying with it for a good reason, I’m happy.

  9. I want her to be satisfied with her job, since she’ll likely be doing it for 30+ hours weekly.

    Not really bothered as long as she’s not lazy.

  10. Don’t ever choose a career based on whether or not the opposite sex finds it “attractive.” And that goes for everybody.

  11. I came across thought of voluntary charity work.

    Maybe helping homeless or stray animals.

    Not sure if we could call it “career” though.

    Edit : Somebody else already mentioned “nurse” so I wanna add “nursery school teacher”.

  12. As a person with a lot of training in a specialized field he’s passionate about, I’m looking for…. basically that. Any career that requires education, specialization, and passion is a turn-on for me. Medicine, Law, Finance, Nonprofits, Entrepreneurship, Library Science, Education, architecture, engineering… all of that.

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