So today when I was done class like around 10:30 I went into my college game room and had some conversations well not a lot but I still made progress. Then I left and saw some people I talked to the other day and chatted for a bit, after that I went and got something to drink went back into the game room with my brother and we played some ping pong with two guys then once the ride was here I asked for their names while they was finishing up with their 1v1 agains each other and found out but other then that I talked with them while playing ping pong and they taught me how to do it right. So I finally made some progress and wanted to share.

1 comment
  1. Congrats! That’s how you improve, one interaction at a time. If you look at every interaction as an opportunity to do better you’ll get incremental improvement, which adds up over time. You can practice this every day, with every interaction.

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