In what area do you feel like you have consistent bad luck?

  1. None.

    There is literally no way I could bring myself to believe that the universe has made some kind of exception to probability for just me – people who think this way are, for all intents and purposes, out of their minds.

  2. When I was real young, my Dad told me that only good luck was real. Obviously no form of luck is a real thing but I feel like it made me a lot more grateful for the good things in my life and helped me not dwell on when things went badly.

  3. Anything that’s a 50/50 shot. I never get a USB in the first time or put a king sheet on right the first time. I could lose ten coin flips in a row.

  4. The last 4 years, every august/sept a serious hospitalization or injury for me, or a death in the family.

  5. Electrical devices hate me. If a website is gonna glitch, it’ll do it while I’m using it. My phone will freeze before any important call.

    My wife will watch me do something and have it not work, then she can do the exact same thing on the exact same device and it will go fine.

  6. Sports fandom.

    Cleveland fan for life and have seen 1 championship. I’m not from Cleveland so I chose this path. But more often than not each season brings me more heartbreak than joy.

  7. Career. I am finally in my career field after years of trying to get my foot in the door, but am at the bottom again having to work my way up. Went to a good college for my degree and did what I was told I should do to get ahead (internships, networking, etc). Got some experience, but it seemed like my peers just had the best luck getting a good job in our field. Even working for a company paying my dies only to get passed up for someone else with less experience, but better connections.

    For example, one of them is the official photographer for an NFL and MLB team. He was in my program doing photojournalism. Great photographer, great person. I am happy for him. It just seems like he had the good luck of having people looking out for him throughout school and even after school.

    I am happy for all my bros who have good careers making good money. I would like to experience that as well. I just don’t think that working harder is necessarily the way anymore.

  8. Health. In the past two months, I’ve been in the hospital three times for breathing problems. Today is two weeks since my last hospital visit, so I hope I can extend this streak.

  9. Hunting. I’ve gone for deer every year for the past 13 years and I’ve never once had a shot on a deer. Never bagged one, never missed one

  10. Crowds. No matter where I go or what I do, there will always be someone in my way. It could be 3:00 a.m. in the middle of nowhere, and I’ll still have to wait in line for a coffee at the gas station.

  11. Every time i want to buy lottery tickets i remember my exes and I realize i can’t pick winners

  12. Typically in romance – I haven’t had the best luck in dating, and while I am still young at 23 years old, I’d like to be able to experience what it’s like to have a girlfriend for the first time.

  13. Its not so much an issue today for me, but I definitely drew the short straw in terms of education and extra curricular stuff. Just a long list of programs getting shut down my whole academic career:

    – At my elementary school, starting in 4th grade you could take a music program. I did and quite enjoyed it. The next year they shut it down.

    – In Jr High 8th graders would do a Washington DC trip, had been a long standing thing. My 8th grade year a trip did not happen.

    – I went to the high school I went to specifically because they had auto and metal shop programs. They started rebuilding the school my sophomore year and the first classes to go were the shop programs. I spent half of my last year in shop helping catalog tools and machines, not doing any actual shop work. These were not reopened til after I graduated.

    – For 3 years of HS my school could not afford paper due to the 2008 recession.

    – My senior year of HS I began a 2 year program to become a Ford certified mechanic. This program ordinarily would have a full class of ~20 students who were employed by Ford dealerships as an apprentice and would split between classroom learning and working in the shop. My class only 3 people were able to get apprentice jobs as so many qualified techs were unemployed and there was no need for new ppl. At the end of that year they shut down the program for 2 years when I was only half complete.

  14. Before I was 20 I had lost one parent, all my grandparents, a couple of aunts and uncles and 2 close friends. I’m 50 years old now and have no parents and no siblings. Oh, and I’m the oldest kid my parents had. And my best friend killed himself a couple of years ago.

    I’m pretty sure that from now until I de the only two people I’ll ever spend any time with are my wife and son. This isn’t how I pictured my life. I’m a really fun-loving and outgoing guy who’s entire personal mantra is: Treat everyone the way you want to be treated. I always thought by this point I’d have tons of friends and family in my life. But everyone’s dead.

  15. Dating and making friends. I took up many hobbies: salsa dancing, piano, learning languages, baking, gardening, etc. I started working out, 5’10 210lb jakced gym bro body. Worked on my wardrobe to appear half decent while still feeling like myself. I expanded my social circle and talk to everyone. No one wants to be my friend or acts like they are after they are done talking to me and not a single girl that I ask out says yes.

    I’m cursed. I cannot win.

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