I usually have 2 dilemmas when it comes to approaching strangers:

1. Will it look weird, will people judge me, specially if I am socially awkward (I’m not but I can be sometimes specially in those situations because they are hard “not to be awkward”), will I acquire a “bad fame” in my social circles or community for being this awkward guy who talks to people and bothers them in their peace?

2. Even if (1) was true, *should I even care*?

The idea being, it could be that (1) is just in my head, and nobody really cares about it. When I am with friends, I feel much more comfortable doing this though, but then they tell me “oh that’s awkward” I wonder if I should listen to them.

And elaborating even further, even if it is awkward, isn’t it also true that everything in life is a training, and the more we do it, the better we get at it?

So my question really boils down to: **should I just ignore what my mind says and go for it, be that awkward guy and not care about it?**

I’m really struggling deciding what kind of person should I be.

  1. So i do believe in respecting people privacy but asking for help i find is usually okay cause it’s a good transaction, one get help and the other get to feel good for helping.
    When it comes to chatting up strangers because you’re bored i think it’s completely different. Some people wont appreciate it and showing others respect i think is important. This obviously depends where you live.

  2. Whats your intention in the first place? Ask yourself that, and then decide. Don’t talk to ppl to prove your friends wrong, thats fucking awkward dude, and definetly don’t do it to challenge yourself or to prove something to yourself. I speak to strangers when it feels natural, or out of neccessity, or when I and they want to. My point is, there is no confidence in forcing something upon yourself to prove that you can do this, quite the opposite it shows insecurity, so no it’s definetly not awkward, if your intentions are good, but dont speak to people inherently just to challenge yourself, because thats awkward.

  3. Nah g honesty just do it. I dont do it but i’d love to laugh at you attempting. Dm me haha.

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