When did a stranger help you in a time of need that you haven’t forgotten?

  1. When I was in the military I lucked out and got a high ranked officers type of uniform which is basically a more comfortable better looking uniform with a shit ton of pockets.
    Everyone wanted it.
    Well one night it was stolen from my room when I wasn’t there alongside my wallet that was in one of those pockets.

    The next morning I went on my way home after a month on base bummed out and a friend asked if we can stop to eat something.
    So we went into this random places and he got himself something, I didn’t order anything as I didn’t have money.
    Suddenly the owner comes out, he gave us both basically half the menu.
    Didn’t allow us to pay and he gave us each like 50$ (which is a huge thing for soldiers where I am as it was like 20% of my paycheck at the time)

    Whenever I am in that area I stop by and I insist on tipping really high.

  2. Stranger helped me when I was stranded on the side of the road with a flat tire. Didn’t have no spare and didn’t know what to do. Dude pulled over and changed my tire for me, didn’t even ask for nothing in return. Good guy, hope he’s doing well wherever he is now.

  3. It’s mostly been with helping me handle my emotions that I remember

    That’s always hit more than any sort of physical or material help.

  4. So often. People are really nice to me in general. I was given train fair when I got lost. A stranger sat and talked with me when I thought I’d lose my mind after a broken engagement. Neighbors have towed my car when I’ve gotten stuck.

    I remember it all, and I try to pay it forward.

  5. A few years ago, I was a cyclist courier. I had my first time blowout miles from home, and had forgotten my puncture repair kit.

    Another courier stopped for me, let me borrow his kit, and even gave me the food that he had (a previous order hadn’t picked up). It was so simple, but it’s stuck with me for years.

  6. I was checking into a hotel in NYC for business. It was pouring rain outside and I needed to run immediately to the office after checking in. A woman near the desk just gave me her umbrella.

  7. I was 17 and working like a dog doing shipping and receiving for a retail store that sold building supplies. It didn’t pay much and wasn’t very good at money yet. Well I went to Wendy’s for lunch and my card got declined. I was so embarrassed and tried to just turn around and leave. And an older dude behind me grabbed my shoulder and told me that he would cover me, because someone once did it for him. And his hope, is that some day I would do it for someone else.

    I’m 30 now and have never forgotten that feeling of someone extending a hand when I need it. And now I do my best to be the person I needed when I was struggling.

  8. 3 years ago as a new trucker, I made a wrong turn in ohio. About 1/2 mile up I realized the road was getting narrower and my GPS started going haywire. I Stopped and realized my error. My options were back 1/2 mile out, make a right in what seemed like a tight residential area,Or forge ahead up a hill that was pitch black with overhanging trees. Started to back but panic set in. I stopped to Calm down,hopped out to get a better picture not realizing I was partially blocking the road. Seen a f150 I flagged him down to ask about the road ahead, he basically blew me off and went around. In comes another f150, this time a younger guy, I proceeded to ask him about the road ahead. He thought I would be fine and advised that the hill is a little steep but comes to a clearing and after a left turn I would be brought back to the main. I was a bit sceptical because what four wheelers deem lots of room usually applies to cars. I guess he saw the apprehension in my eyes and offered to drive me up and around. Pretty chill dude all around. After he dropped me off, I offered him 20 for a drink( all the cash I had) he refused, but I still dropped it on his passenger seat. After thanking him profusely i went on my way. I will never FORGET that guy. Every time I get ish from four wheelers I remember that guy. I remember the good in people.

    TLDR: Trucker assisted by a guy in Ohio after making a wrong turn. He offered to drive me around,to determine if the route was suitable for my truck. I will never forget him.

  9. Standing on a train platform in the coolish-cold rain when an umbrella goes over my head until the train gets there. Not a word spoken.

    I was planning on diving under that train.

  10. Hasn’t happened. 60 years old and still waiting.

    Note: I’m not actually waiting for something I don’t expect to happen.

  11. Went to a house party when i was 15 with my best friend. We missed the last bus home and the walk was going to take and hour and a half. We saw a taxi at a petrol station and asked if he could take us till our 42 dollars ran out and we’ll walk the rest but he wanted ours phones too and he’ll drop it off when we have the rest but he’ll take us all the way. We said no and began walking when a girl said she’ll drop us off. We jumped in her car and it was her and her best friend just out for a drive and smoking weed. They asked how old we were and my mate tried to lied and they knew straight away and said we’re babies. Told us they were 22 and can tell we were no older than 16. They took us all the way home and then refused to take our 42 dollars no how much we tried to give it to them. I’ll never forget their kindness and wished there was I way I could’ve thank them. I hope they’re doing well.

  12. I had left home and moved into a cheap neighborhood, renting a room. It was a bad part of town but not nearly as bad as I thought. I had forgotten the bus I took home didn’t run on weekends. I got off the typically connecting bus late at night and realized the bus didn’t run. Someone noticed me and I said “oh well i guess I’m walking” it was about a 45 min to an hour walk home. The guy stopped me and said it’s too dangerous to be out here. He went on to explain recent crimes and murders. He then hailed a cab and paid it for me. He said please call me to let me know you are safe, and gave me his number. He said even the cab drivers can be crooks. I made it home okay. The man didn’t accept my offer to pay him back

  13. 23/24 yrs old (1993/94ish) about 300 miles down in Baja, CA. Dumb kids we ran out of gas and cash, so we thought we could write a check for gas. Proceeded to pump tank and obviously the worker had no clue what we were trying to pay with. He was calling the police as he said we stole the gas, and we were nervous as all hell. American guy with a boat saw us looking stressed or sad or whatever and came up to us and I’ll never forget, put his hand on my shoulder and said, “ what’s going on here son?” He could see we needed help. He gave us $100 to buy enough gas to get back to the US on the honor system that we would send it to him when we got back. I called my parents as soon as we got home and we sent him $100 and the family flowers. Saved our butts.

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