So I 18F have a fwb m23, I love the sex and I think we’re quite compatible sexually. HOWEVER there is one big issue… He doesn’t clean his fingers or dick during or after anal. He often fingers me with the same dirty fingers he had inside my ass like just moments prior or doesn’t clean his dick between rounds when we switch back to vaginal.

I have been way too shy to tell him this because it feels super awkward. But I’ve literally gotten 2-3 yeast infections from it so I really need to approach the subject with him.

How do I bring it up without making it more awkward than it already is??? Should I be honest about the yeast infection part??? Plz help

  1. If he’s already too dumb to understand he needs to keep himself (and you) clean and he can’t figure out why the yeast infections are happening, maybe you’re not as compatible as you think. He sounds like a moron. Ask him to grab his dick after anal and then rub it all over his face and see how he reacts. Yeah, gross.

    Is this the same guy that was secretly watching “skinny chick anal porn” two months ago while you were going down on him? Real keeper there…

  2. Dude just spit it out in my opinion. Simple like hey once you go in my butthole you can’t go back into my vagina. That’s how I’ve said it before

  3. It’s not awkward. It’s basic hygiene and common sense. Being so “shy” that you’re literally putting your health at risk in order to avoid an awkward convo that probably wouldn’t even actually be awkward is dangerous. If you can’t speak up then you need to find someone with some sense.

  4. Yeah, time for some education on cleanliness. Just keep it clinical about what you need and why. And tell him if you get a yeast infection not only is this bad for you, which should be enough, but sex will be off for the time you need to get better.

    We just had 2 years of viral education, shouldn’t be too surprising to him.

  5. You just need to tell him he can’t double dip or you’ll be unable to have sex for a long time. He definitely watched too much anal to pussy porn and doesn’t realize pornstars do a huge anal cleaning followed by probiotics and sometimes antibiotics just to make sure they don’t get an infection after shooting scenes.

  6. Just stop him and ask if he’d wash before you continue further, if he’s still not getting it explain you want to avoid an infection

  7. He’s the one making it awkward by being gross, not you for bringing it up. You’re going to have a hard time if you can’t stand up for yourself to your sex partners.

  8. Open you mouth and tell him to clean his nasty junk and fingers after he uses them for anal PRIOR to inserting them any place else. Other than that, keep the backdoor closed.

    Be firm and stern, no other way.

  9. Maybe just tell him to use gloves when he fingers your ass? It’s very unhygienic what he does. And he definitely should wash his penis when switching. Men watch too much porn and don’t take any precautions

  10. You’re never supposed to go from anal to vagina with him without washing or at least using a condom. Tell him as your health depends on it.

  11. Why is it awkward i dont get it? if someone can stick their fingers in your asshole they can hear you tell them to take precautions

  12. Tell him unless he cleans his fingers/dick you’re no longer giving him anal. Best bet is to stop letting him finger your ass and to use protection during anal and change condoms if returning to pussy. If you aren’t using protection OP please do bc you cam easily get STI. If he’s not even being clean with you what makes you think he’s being clean with other females he may be in a situationship with also?

  13. Anal last. Plain and simple.

    He tries to put stuff there stop him and say “we’ll do that after” meaning after PIV or whatever else.

    It doesn’t have to be awkward. Maybe he’ll be like “oh I didn’t know that causes problems” and then understand. You just need to do it and get it over with

  14. This is getting to be a daily question. Where are these nasty men coming from that don’t understand basic hygiene?

  15. Being new to sex and so young can certainly make one shy about sex. But honey, this is a firm thing you have to tell him. Plainly state — no umms and qualifiers and ‘if you can’ — if something goes in my ass, it needs to be washed before it goes in my pussy.

    Full stop.

    You don’t have to scold him. As obvious as it might be to some of us, we don’t teach sex ed or full sexual health in this country. So, he *could* just not know. If he responds like an asshole, then he’s an asshole and you break up with it accordingly. But just tell him.

    The hack? the pro tip? For fingering, he uses nitrile latex gloves (easy Amazon order) for anal fingering. Then he just pulls it off to finger your vagina. Keep putting new ones on and taking off — they’re not expensive. You didn’t say if y’all are using condoms or not. God, I hope you are cuz y’all are young and it seems like sexual health has not been the highest priority here. But if you are not, similarly, have him use a condom for anal to save a full washing.

    Or he can be an adult who is trusted to penetrate people and wash that fucking dick in between.

    Your health is more valuable than his feelings. Just say it. This is when you put on the big girl panties. Good luck.

  16. The antibiotics are TERRIBLE for you. The more you take them, the more ineffective they’ll become over time. And they destroy your good bacteria in your stomach which can lead to GERD.

    So that’s besides the yeast infections. Just be direct.

  17. It’s not akward to tell him. He should know without you saying something but he clearly doesn’t, you need to let him know. There really isn’t anything akward about it imo, he’ll probably understand. If not you close the backdoor for him

  18. Would you rather keep having yeast infections from a guy that can’t be arse to wash his hands after they’ve been in your, arse?
    I understand that it feels awkward, but a moment of awkwardness is better than not telling him and suffering the consequences of his idiocy.

  19. I’d just be direct. “Hey I know it isn’t the sexiest but I really need you to wash your fingers and dick after we do anal. I keep getting yeast infections so it’s really important we make sure everything that goes inside me is clean.”

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