F-38/M-43: So we’re approaching 10 days from the deadline I gave him to get a job or he needs to leave the house. Since my chat wit him, he’s only gone on three virtual interviews (didn’t get any of those jobs) and I’ve seen him take zero of my suggestions for the interim: Uber, UberEats, Instacart, etc. to just get an income while he seeks something more stable. I WFH and all day I see him on his computer but no real action. Never once has he left the house In his suit, barely on the phone calling business’, and I’m deeply hurt that we are fast approaching this deadline with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING In the pipeline. I’m starting to believe this is really going to happen despite his continuous statements that he ‘wont let it happen’. I want to be prepared about next steps. At the moment, everything Is joint via finances, banks, payments. Do you have any advice on how to start to prepare myself for this potential big next step? What measures did you take especially If everything Is shared?

**\[Backstory:** my husband has faced unemployment several times through out our 7 year marriage, and I’m no longer able to stay complacent with someone who is unable to be a true PARTNER/PROVIDER alongside me – notice I don’t say “for” me. I’ve been carrying us financially continuously and I’m mentally fatigued, physically displaying anxiety and feel completely disconnected from him as a husband. I told him in August, if he doesn’t get a job… literally any sort of income… he will need to leave until he can contribute.\]

1 comment
  1. I’m sorry OP. I’m a firm believer that anyone who truly loves you will not place such an unnecessary financial burden on you. No young able bodied man should feel that comfortable living off of his partner in that way.

    If he truly loved you he would be waking up at the crack of dawn and not stopping until he landed something.

    Stand your ground. Put him out if he doesn’t find employment

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