Men that had/have significant child support and alimony, when does the sting wear off?

  1. the sting wears off when there are no more payments to make.

    I am a strong supporter of 50/50 custody and no child support, mandatory DNA testing, and no alimony.

    Family court is not consitutional.

  2. I got lucky and didn’t have to pay it and got 50/50. But I had to hire a good lawyer spend over 20k and fight for two years to get it settled

  3. Child support is for your kid. I’m not sure why that would sting.

    Alimony? Is it time-limited? Probably stops stinging after the 18 or 36 months is up

  4. Sting? That’s cute. Mine was more like a splintered broomstick reaching the back of my teeth. There was a point where I was keeping only 2.5% of my gross income each paycheck.

  5. Kiwi in Australia here… CS comes out of my wage before I get paid so I haven’t ever seen it over the last 10 years. I start a new job, figure out what I’m getting paid after the child support deductions and settle on that is what my incoming money will be.

    It just is.

    We don’t do alimony over here. That shit is fucked up.

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