My partner and I want to be able to go multiple rounds for certain kinky reasons. Any advice at all or is there no way? This isn’t any kind of problem! It would just be next level if it could happen.

  1. The duration of a person’s refractory period varies tremendously between individuals, over time, and with age. The length of time it takes after orgasm to have another erection may be seconds, hours or days.

    There is very little that can reliably change the length of a person’s refractory period, but you will absolutely find people who will offer up homemade remedies or anecdotal evidence to the contrary.

    Some things which spring to mind that MAY help: very great arousal. If a person is very sexually excited they may have another erection soon after orgasm. Finding out what your partner finds exciting can be a lot of fun, but won’t always make this happen.

    Edging: Sometimes bringing a person with a penis very close to orgasm can cause ejaculation without an orgasm (this is why we don’t recommend withdrawal as birth control). This is tricky to pull off, doesn’t work for everyone, and it’s not necessarily fun for everyone either.

    A doctor’s prescription for sildenafil (viagra): No respectable physician will provide this drug if you are already able to attain erections. Like any drug it comes with side effects and there are a laundry list of health conditions with which it should be used only with caution. It may or may not reduce a person’s refractory period. I wouldn’t do this.

  2. How badly do you both want this? Because there is a way.

    PGE-1, sometimes called caverject, is a prescription drug that will accomplish this. It’s prescribed for ED when Viagra or the like isn’t cutting it. At almost any effective dose it will give him the firmest erection he’s ever had. Possibly uncomfortably so.

    A larger dose just means the erection lasts longer. He’ll need to be careful not to give himself a dose leading to a 4+ hour erection, as that is priapism and is dangerous. For most people using PGE-1 an orgasm won’t end their erection. If an orgasm does end the erection, it doesn’t end it for long.

    It’s a prescription drug so he’ll need to go to a doctor to get access to it.

    Finally, here’s the **big** caveat… this is an injected drug. Not intravenous, but directly into the corpus cavernosum (in his dick).

    A tiny needle, 32 or 34 gauge, doesn’t hurt, but injecting something into your dick is a big hurdle.

  3. I’ve dated men who claimed they were one and done all their life, and gotten them to go again, and for one guy, five times in six hours.

    Here’s some things to keep in mind.

    First and foremost, every man is different. And even one man will be different depending on the day.

    If he refrains from sex for a week or so, he might be able to go more times when you are together.

    Men need foreplay too. Just touch him. Start really soft as he might be sensitive after he cums. Kiss him. Dirty talk him, whatever turns him on.

    Have no pressure. The focus is fun and connection. If he gets hard again, great! But that’s not your goal.

    And if all else fails, the little blue pill.

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