36f I don’t know if this question is too general but I thought I’d give it a shot. I posted in one other spot.

So I’ve only (accidentally) dated introverts my whole life and I just seem to attract them but I don’t want to date introverts anymore. I’m an extrovert with absolutely no social anxiety and I’m tired of always having to make people feel comfortable. I just want to exist with who I’m with while having fun.

That being said, either extroverts are rare or hard to find and when I’m on Tinder, every guy in my city who says they are ENF- whatever are poly (not exaggerating). The two that I’ve met we never quite clicked. We just have good convo.

That being said, how tf do I attract and find extroverted guys? Like what are you into? What kind of places do you like? What do you look for in a woman?

Note: any specific venue types would helpful. I go to bars a lot and I still have problems. Like are there activities that tend to attract extroverted men?

  1. Where to find them?
    1. Nightlife: bars, clubs, etc…
    2. Sports and hobbies: rock climbing, soccer, basketball, the gym

    If you’re an extrovert, that means you’re social. If you’re social, you like hanging around social places and playing social sports.

    As for dating sites, you can usually immediately tell whether a guy is an extrovert or an introvert, or in between, by their pictures. Its a nurture vs nature kind of thing. If the guy looks like he gets told he’s good looking a lot, then he’ll probably have more confidence and have an easier time socializing.

  2. As an extroverted woman, I totally feel you! Maybe try exploring social events or hobbies where extroverted guys are likely to gather

    Finding common interests might help you connect with someone who truly understands your need for fun and easy-going vibes

    Good luck!

  3. *I’m an extrovert with absolutely no social anxiety and I’m tired of always having to make people feel comfortable*

    Whats “making people feel comfortable” got to do with your dates being introverts? An introvert isn’t someone who’s insecure or looking for validation. An introvert doesn’t have social anxiety, just cos they are an introvert. I think you are confusing introversion with social anxiety, low self-esteem, lack of social skills etc.

  4. Dance clubs .. big parties .. noisy loud places with lots of fun n activity ..

    This is where you find them.

    Can’t guarantee they all find you attractive though. Good luck.

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