For me it was the lad who slipped doing javelin and it went through his neck on 999

  1. Do films count? Chicken Run scared the absolute living shit out of me as a kid, to the point where I never saw the end

  2. The cybermen. When Tom Baker was the Doctor and the cybermen attacked I was terrified and hid behind the sofa. I still watched the episode of course by peeping over the top of the sofa.

  3. My family like to make fun of me for being terrified of the scary lion on teletubbies, in my defence its called the scary lion, probably for a reason

  4. Show on TV called Quatermass and the Pit. We used to watch it on tv. Then talk about it with our school friends the following day. It was seriously scary. Someone should remake it as a series .

  5. Lion and Bear from Teletubbies, to the point that I realised my nightmares growing up were based on them when I saw a screenshot of that episode a year or so ago.

  6. The TV show beyond belief fact or fiction, they’d tell a creepy story and tell you if it was true or false at the end, if it was false I’d sleep fine, if it was true I’d be shivering in fear, in my bed for hours.

  7. I remember that episode of 999 it was on a few weeks before we did javelin during PE at school. The teacher couldn’t work out why we were so reluctant to go near them

  8. The original 1976 adaptation of “The Phoenix and the Carpet”. The Phoenix they used scared me shitless.

    Also “Tales of the Unexpected”. Creepy dancing lady at the beginning, Ronald Dahl was creepy as well.

    And the tales themselves were very disturbing.

  9. 999 as well, but mine was the episode where a man managed to tip his chip pan over and then slip and fall into the boiling hot fat on the floor.

  10. 999 Lifesavers – specifically the episode when the bloke is watching a fireworks display and a molten bit of firework debris falls directly in his eye, I still wont stare directly up when watching a firework display 25 years later!

  11. I don’t know if other folk will remember this, maybe it was a fever dream, although my Mum remembers it too. There was an episode of Pingu where the eponymous penguin gets scared by an enormous walrus coming out of the water. Me and my brother were scared shitless by it, to the point where Mum had to bin the VHS tape.

    Does anyone else remember this? Please no YouTube links 😂

  12. Not a show; but there was an advert for fireworks safety that showed a girl with her hand in covered in bandages, it then had a flashback of her reaching for a spent sparkler before cutting to a black screen with a scream

    Almost 40 years later I’m still nervous of sparklers

  13. Animals of Farthing Wood when the poor hedgehogs got run over. There was a lot of death on that show, RIP Badger as well.

  14. Worzel Gummidge. Everything about it was creepy as f@ck… and then he took his head off.. I was 7.

  15. The AIDS campaign. The Grim Reaper goes bowling and a giant tombstone falls on a bunch of people. Spine tingling.

  16. A childrens BBC drama series from 1983 called The Machine Gunners, which is set during WW2. There’s a bit near the start where a boy is trying to pull a machine gun off a German plane that has crashed in the woods, and [the pilot’s bloody face suddenly appears]( It’s stayed with me forever.

  17. The 1970’s safety information films like the kid trying to get his football from inside the electricity sub station or the kid fishing next to power lines or the real creepy one where the kid falls in the water and the grim reaper shaped tree. Scared the bejesus out of me when I was younger than 10.

  18. Those psychedelic “Charlie Says” adverts that would warn kids about playing on train lines and crossing the road without looking.

    Had nightmares about that kid and his fucked up cat.

  19. Either Threads, or the guy who died doing a stunt on Noel Edmondson prime time show.
    The Day of the Triffids was pretty horrifying too tbf

  20. The death of Tommy Cooper

    One minute we ,as a family,are all laughing at Tommy’s antics and the next we learn that him collapsing was not in fact part of the act and he had in fact died .

    As we , and many others laughed .

  21. The birdshit episode of Round the Twist.

    The eyeballs rolling away on the health indicator on Knightmare.

  22. Casualty, specifically the nineties episodes. I was pretty much convinced I was going to die in every single gory way that was featured that week!

  23. Roald Dahls The Witches. The scene where they remove their hair. Even now, as a 36 yo man, I can’t think of that scene without an unconscious shudder.

  24. The 1978 animated version of Watership Down.

    Ah look at the cute bunny rabb….. OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! LOOK AWAY! LOOK AWAY!!!

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