What is life teaching you right now?

  1. Nothing gets handed to you. You want a sexy body, a good paying job and a support network of friends. Guess what, gotta work for that.

  2. That hard work and dedication to your family and loved ones gets rewarded with malicious and vindictive behavior

  3. When to stop. You have to know your limits and give yourself time to recover from the grind. Often you can get more accomplished by taking targeted breaks instead of pushing relentlessly.

  4. If some girl at the office starts calling herself your work wife, no matter how little you give a shit about that woman, your real wife will not be happy about that.

  5. If you truly want something you can find opportunities in any situation but if you don’t want to do it you’ll find any excuses

  6. The same thing it always does, and always has:

    That I’m not good enough, need to make myself better, and I have years of work ahead of me.

  7. That I, for the most part, am in control of my life. While there are things out of my control, how I act and how I react are within my control. I only have myself to blame.

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