Ladies.. I heard women have one good week where we are feeling like we can accomplish anything/everything. One week where you are feeling amazing. Is this true? If so when is yours?

  1. Week one for me is the best. I’m more productive and feeling balanced during that time.

    Week two is PMS week.

    Week three is shark week.

    Week four is flip-flop week, where I can be super happy one day and super sad the next.

  2. It’s usually around the end of a month into the next. A bit of two months within the span of the week suggestion. My cycle has nothing to do with my feeling of this. (It barely affects me.) There is also a few scattered days throughout that make me want to tackle the world and then when I finally “sit down” to do it, I go “why am I doing this..?” and I don’t. I had this EXACT thought walking down my stairs today because I went to use the bathroom and then by the time I got back downstairs to start a project I just didn’t.

  3. Week farthest from period week. I feel the most normal. Rarely have random body pains, crying, cravings and self criticizing moments.

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