Addiction is a hard battle to fight. Sometimes it can make us stronger in the long run. I struggle with letting go of the past and it causes missed opportunities in the now. I always want to see things they way they use to be. Change is a hard struggle for me as well and learning to accept and embrace change in fear of the unknown or abandonment.

  1. Impulsive spending. I’ll be doing great for years and then something traumatic happens and I rack up the money on shit I don’t need.

  2. Coffee is something I should only drink once a day, but I keep drinking way more every time.
    Why? Because it ruins my stomach, my sleep, and triggers anxiety.

  3. Smoking and drinking. I know that I’m literally spending thousands upon thousands per year but…

  4. Alcohol was getting there, had to step back and reassess thing.

    Not sure if I want to go 100% sober but I’ve mostly abstained since mid July.

    Had 2 beers at a party and didnt feel like any more.

    Had a 6 pack of beers 2 weeks back after particular BS week and gave my self a all day headache Saturday.

    I still get the urge Friday afternoons but I just head home and hit the gym to make it pass.

  5. My phone. If it can even be considered a phone anymore. I probably spend less than 5% of my time actually on calls on the damn thing. But this thing, if it’s within visual range, will pull me into it and keep me locked in.

  6. I think it is what I am dealing with right now. I am addicted to the way strip clubs make me feel. Coupled with a toxic relationship with alcohol that triggers impulsivity and impairs my decision making, I have run up credit card debt and raided my savings on successive visits over the past two months, going nearly every week.

  7. Eating and Drinking.

    If I’m not overeating, then I have an urge to get intoxicated. If I avoid alcohol, my appetite for sugary fat foods increases.


  8. I used to drink a lot. A lot a lot. Now I don’t drink. There’s that.

    I used to need to be in a romantic relationship in really unhealthy ways, I promised myself I was done after the divorce. I still get twinges for that one but realistically me being wanting to be involved in a happy relationship is like a fish wanting to be the worlds most popular foot model: its just not gonna happen. And there’s a strange satisfaction i can derive from being miserable *on my own* and not letting it be someone else’s problem.

    Now struggling with an addiction to education, I think. I need to work on that before I ruin my life even more. Takes a special kind of stupid to turn education into a complete waste of time and money but hey, there I am.

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