Hi there,

We are couple, about 40.

My GF and I have been together about 8 months and are having some issues with UTI.

She maybe had 1 or 2 early on in our relationship. But she has 3 in a row in the past month or so.

We are both very hygienic, both have bidets etc. We have sex a few times a week.

She stated she has been more prone with certain partners–but this feels more regular. On my side, I cannot remember this being an issue with past partners. Maybe a few one offs but nothing that has been regular.

I feel bad and want to do something to help/prevent it. Does anyone have any suggestions or experience with this?

  1. As women approach peri-menopause they are more at risk for UTI’s after sex or in general. I had my first one ever last year after a romp with my fiancé

  2. My doctor recommended cystex or azo defense and d-mannose. I was going through this perimenopause and through my current situation of menopause. UTI’s suck

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