The guy I’m seeing we’ll call A and I finally had sex but it really wasn’t satisfying/didn’t last long because he couldn’t stay hard while wearing a condom. It was so tragic! I actually really like him so it made it all the more worse.

My friends brought up the idea that he was actually just trying to not wear the condom at all but I really do believe that he’s not used to the sensation of the condom and it made him go soft. Either way there’s nothing I can do about that! We’ve only been seeing each other for like a month and I’m not on birth control so condoms are truly our only option.

A has a piercing on his penis that hasn’t been in but is still pierced. He said he had recently put it in but took it out(?) and thinks that having the piercing in general has actually desensitized some of his penis unfortunately.

All of this to say that I can’t control if his penis works or not and again the condoms are non-negotiable at this point. I like him but us not being able to have sex is a problem. I feel like I’ll give him another shot but not sure how it could improve. Would love any advice.

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