When I say “fall for”, I mean a geniune attraction that goes beyond a conscious liking and preference for someone. You know what I mean..

  1. Funny, loud, extroverted, extremely competent at what they’re doing, a little cocky maybe, tall, brunette, long curly hair

  2. They all harboured a genuine kindness towards most people they met, they weren’t just nice or polite because it was expected of them. They were all also extroverted, sociable, funny, and assertive yet laid-back.

  3. Ones with backbones, who are funny and confident.


    Most have been egotistical wannabe alpha-males though.

  4. Intelligent, witty, kind, confident, eccentric interests that they’re passionate about, competent, generous.

  5. A$$h@les apparently/unfortunately. Beyond that I’m not sure. Maybe emotional unintelligence, selfishness, the ability to lie straightfaced. I think it is the really good liar that gets me. I think they are a good person and fall for them and then i overlook their true nature and make excuses for their bad behavior. I learned i can’t trust my judgment so now I’ll just stay single. I blame my mom who taught me to see the good in everyone and now i just overlook the bad even if thats mostly what they show me.

  6. Terrible. Just terrible. Can’t keep a job, lazy, unmotivated, no useful skills, unable to adult, looking for a mother figure, criminal record. I don’t want them I just attract them I think…….. after all these years though I’m sure this is a me issue.

  7. They are intentional about who they have in their lives + spend time with (friends, dating, family), they are in therapy and can speak calmly about past hardships, they have a stable job, similar parenting style, unfortunately… arrogance that I initially misinterpret as confidence. I generally get along better with nerds and neuro-divergents

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