I’ve always known that my friends were kind of rude, but I hadn’t really noticed it as much as I’ve been noticing it now. All of my friends like making fun of people and they’re always so disrespectful to everyone. Its like everytime im with them they just make offensive jokes and make rude comments about random people. Not to mention they’re really immature. They’re always making messes everywhere they go and they never think about the people who have to clean up all their messes. I don’t really want to associate with these people anymore because they act like jerks to everyone, but I’m afraid that if I leave them I won’t have any friends. I already struggle making friends with people, so I’m worried that I’ll be all alone. Do you have any advice to help me leave this group of people and find some better friends who I’ll actually enjoy being around.

  1. Ik I’m not really fit to be giving advice but one that will help try distancing yourself and talking with other people. You don’t have to cut them right off the bat but try to reach out and be friendly to people you could be potential friends with.

  2. They sound like a drag. Well, just because you have friends already doesn’t mean you can’t make more. So be open to new, better people and transition gradually to the new ones. Making friends is about finding people you click with.

  3. Well these people aren’t your friends. Friends are people you like and enjoy spending time with and interacting with. These people you just described don’t fit that description. You say you want to leave this group, but you don’t want to be alone. Let me just say it’s better to have no friends than bad friends.

  4. Don’t leave them as friends. You can talk to them, sure, hang out with them. But when they trash a place, make sure to clean your own place up. Always. Don’t be a jerk WITH them. Let them do it, but don’t tell them not to do it. IF – and ONLY if- they ask for your opinion on being a jerk or like trashing a place, then you can tell them your honest opinion.

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