Men who are “strong silent types”. what is something you wish people knew about you?

  1. That I aint silent because I hate em, i’m just like this with everyone.

  2. I like sitting quietly next to y’all and getting you to laugh at my observations. Once you pop, you don’t stop.

  3. I’m very happy being strong and silent, please don’t converse with me. I have nothing to say

  4. I just realized that I’m so brusque with strangers who approach me and try to converse because I legit feel like they’re rudely interrupting my silence…

    So there’s that.

  5. That I’m not as mean as I come off as, like I have worked on myself a whole lot and some people might not be comfortable with me not having traits that their friends have. I’m going to be something a lot of people might not be used to and it’s not something I can really convey in a way that wouldn’t put people off.

  6. I’m not that shy, I’m just seeing if you’re someone I want to invest my time in.

  7. Silence is great, no need to fill it with constant yammering about nothing.

  8. Me being silent doesn’t mean that I’m being rude. It means that I have nothing to say.

  9. That I’m the funniest person around. Always have a joke or quip in my head. Being less engaged and more observant is great for picking up on the peculiar or unexpected. I also have great delivery though too many take it as an invitation for conversation.

  10. I’m not that strong and the silence is just to repress anger, anxiety, and depression.

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