So for some context this person and i have been friends since fourth grade.
I admit as we got older we stopped hanging out as much due to busy lives and were long distance at one point. Also as grew up we stopped texting everyday and it became more like sporadic check ins or hangout plannings.

recently i noticed i was the one initiating every conversation. So i decided i wouldn’t text first for awhile. Three months later, nothing.
didn’t think much of it.

but i did decided to text her to ask for some advice. To which i figured out she blocked my number.
She still follows me on all social media and actively looks/likes my posts.
but she did deleted all pictures of me except for one which was a group photo.

TL;DR Best friend blocked my number but not my social medias??

What do i do?

  1. You can ask her why op. If she doesn’t want to tell you why. The. Your best friend is either an ass or you did something, or she heard something that changed the way she thought about you

  2. I’m sorry this happened to you. The stage of Adulthood you’re going into is difficult. It’s a new season when people graduate college or become more settled in their career which makes life more busy. Some people handle this change well.

    I know when I was this age a lot of friends and I drifted apart. I’m not sure if this is the case with her, but I had friends who thought that because I was no longer contacting them, due to my own business, I no longer liked them. I know it hurts. If you genuinely value her friendship, I would try contacting her on social and asking her why she blocked you. However, it sounds like it was a pretty one sided relationship so if I were you I would let it pass. If she’s not mature enough to have a conversation with you before blocking you do you want her as a long term friend?

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