Get yo shit together

  1. Buy a reasonable house and throw the rest in the stock market. Though buying the house in 10 hours might be rough, how about intention to buy?

  2. buy 10 million worth of stocks and bonds on my trading account, thank you for the money, go on with my day.

  3. Drive to NYC, find an investment firm that will work with me, buy $10MM worth of VFMXX, figure out what stuff I want to buy later.

    If I have to get “stuff”, drive to NYC around 47th street, but $10MM worth of diamonds in the diamond district.

  4. Buy a house, a car, invest heavily for all future familial needs both known and unexpected, house for my MIL, a bunch of land, properties to rent, and anything else I could think of, or I would double of of the prior mentioned things.

  5. *picks up phone*
    Hey Pa. Need help wit somefin.

    Aight boy, whatcha need?

    I got ten millon dollars here from a feller. Says if I can spend it all in 10 hours, I get to keep it.

    Aight, so whatcha calling me for?

    Ya know them bricks outside behind the shed?


    I need a brick really bad, can I buy one from you for ten million dollars?

    Sure. I even write yur name on it.


    *hangs up the phone*
    Aight, go give my old man the 10 million.

  6. Buy a Ferrari f40, a Shelby cobra, a 71 Nissan skyline gtr, 2002 Mazda rx7 spirit r spec b, and a handful of other cars along with a garage to store them. 10 million isn’t hard to blow on cars in a couple hours hypothetically. And if I ever need a couple million I can just sell a car or two.

  7. could buy a boat in about 1 hour easy. or gold bullion at the big bullion dealers. they have 400 ounce bars ready to go for about 1.2 million aud

  8. People like, buy a house, etc, clearly do not know how long all the steps take to buy houses. Its a several month affair by the time you get surveyors, lawyers, etc.

    Youd want to spend it all on things that will not depreciate after purchase for resale later on. Things you can quickly liquidate after the 10 hour period is up.

    Stocks and bonds, diamonds, etc.

  9. I’d pay off all my debt, my parent’s debt, my in-laws debt, make sure my kid goes to college debt free. Then I’d buy some land and move to the country and make sure I didn’t have to work anymore.

  10. Buy $10MM worth of cash equivalent money market funds. Money spent, still liquid and still all there.

  11. Crypto! If I’m going to lose 10 millions dollars, it’s going to be by my own hand, dammit!

  12. I would go buy 10 million dollars worth of casino chips and slot tickets. Then just cash them back out when needed.

  13. Any major item like a house or yacht couldn’t be closed in 10 hours, it would have ti be readily available.

    Some kind of obvious steady stock, bonds, if I was really desperate some bitcoin too

  14. I would just buy large quantities of things with high resale value from the internet. Buying 1000 takes almost as little effort as buying 1. I would also spend some of it on storage pre payments.

  15. Gold would be the safest option. Once that source runs dry, gems, art, tools, charities, stocks, investments, prepay for pilots school, preschedule a world tour, etc. All the way until I spent the whole lot. Then I could live off of the interest alone.

  16. Buy up a whole bunch of stocks. Resell the ones I don’t want to hold onto once the deal is complete, buy a nice house where I would like to live and spend the rest on furthering my education.

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