Had sex without lube in the shower because we like the friction but probably wasn’t the smartest decision as now the skin is peeling off my glans. I did have this happen before and usually it was healed within a week.

Does anyone have any experience with this and are there any ways to make it heal faster?

  1. This is probably gonna sound weird, but do you use cream on your cock? That could potentially be the reason as it softens the skin. And no, there isn’t a way to make it heal quicker. It’s like any skin issue, takes as long as it takes. Also different on every person obviously

  2. Itchy and skin peeling, doesnt sound like post friction irritation. Could be an infection of some sort.

  3. Sounds like penile psoriasis which has been irritated due to too much friction. Pretty common. Use topical steroid cream to heal quicker

  4. Start using lube.

    Stop having sex in water.

    Slather the would in aquaphor and leave to covered all night, it will heal fast.

    Genitals heal very quickly.

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