When was the last time you saw something really neat in nature? What was it?

  1. When i went to Oregon so many beautiful landscapes along with the elk and perfect lighting got some really good professional quality pbotos out there!

  2. Probably anytime I go out hiking so every month haha

    I’ll report back later in June as I should be doing some backpacking in the Adirondacks at that point.

  3. I saw the most beautiful sunset the other day while driving to another city.

  4. A couple years ago, I went whale watching in the Azores. We saw a couple sperm whales in the distance. That was pretty amazing.

    The Azores themselves are also really incredible.

  5. I saw an Aspen once while out hiking with my buddy Rodney. How neat is that?

  6. I like ducks and crows so basically anytime I walk to the supermarket I see something neat.

  7. Two weekends ago we were out 4 wheeling and saw a vulture up pretty close and then a sleeping elk on a hillside. I’d never seen an elk in the wild before.

    Not mind blowing or anything. I have lots of those too. It was just neat.

  8. A chipmunk. It’s been years since I saw 1 on my back porch. I thought the last ones became victims of the stray cat population around here. I’m going to put out some tasty nuts to encourage him/her to stay.

  9. Last summer I was fishing on the lake that our cabin is on. I had a decent sized largemouth on the line and just about had it in when all of a sudden a huge muskie t-boned it out of nowhere right next to the boat, breaking my line and stealing my fish. *Really” wish I had had my GoPro recording on my chest mount. Would’ve made a cool video.

  10. Bald eagle this morning. They are just returning to our area in NYA so every time I see one it’s a BFD. Also saw a turkey and a pheasant this morning. Good drive

  11. I work on a small farm and we found a dead mole in the field, mouth agape. I took a picture of it and zoomed in on the nails. Then my coworker found a picture of khloe kardashian with fingernails that looked just like the moles.

    It was a good day.

  12. I see lots of stuff from time to time. But the most impactful thing was years ago as a teen I saw a full rainbow at night.

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