For context, I met a girl in college, she’s really artsy, funny, smart, and also really pretty. I was having a conversation with a friend in the hallway one day and she said she “loves guys sharing their emotions with each other” cause I was talking about a different relationship and the troubles I was having. So I introduced myself, anyways, we were studying in the library and I invited her to smoke the ganj w me and so we decided to smoke in a target parking lot that night after studying. We listened to music and talked and just really vibed out for like 4 or 5 hours. It was awesome. I don’t think it was the weed but the vibes were really telling me she liked me, flirty body language and such. I don’t know if it’s just my autismo brain but I thought she wanted to kiss me but I wasn’t sure so I asked by writing “can I kiss you?” On the foggy windows cause condensation and she said “not tonight”. I followed that up with “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” which is probably one of the worst things I could’ve said but I recovered and we’re hanging out Sunday. I guess what I’m trying to ask is, should I have just gone for it? Should I have just kissed her, I feel like the night would’ve turned out differently. I’m also happy with the route we’re going in, just as friends for now. It doesn’t have to mature into anything else cause I think she’s just a really cool person but also, would she still wanna hangout if she didn’t have some form of interest? I’m happy being friends but I’m not opposed to what might happen Y’know? If any ladies see this I’d really appreciate some insight into how you’d feel in this situation? Does she like me?

Sorry for this post being all over the place, I’m just a little lost.

  1. Dude, she said “no” and you’re asking if you should have done it anyway? Or, did I read it wrong?

  2. Asking is a turn off, I think I wouldve said something like “I have an overwhelming desire to kiss you” and then go for it

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