ive been getting over my first love, it was toxic, and i was rly attached. its been a long and hard process but ive definetley made progress.

recently, i met a guy who was kind of the opposite of my usual type in a good way. we became friends, eventually got closer and inevitably sexual. my type mostly consists of the “toxic” dominant man, but this guy was super positive and kind of submissive. since we had got sexual, that was when i really notived how submissive he was. there was nothing wrong w it but then i realized i absolutely did not like the dynamic at all and was just playing the role he wanted because i liked him. but now its like he only wants to interact with me at all to act out his submissive role sexually or some other way. i dont know if im just over thinking it or if im just being used sexually. he did say he wanted more, like a relationship but it doesnt feel that way. when i try to innitiate sfw hang outs, he always tries to steer the situation to nsfw.

am i being used?

am i wrong for not liking the dynamic or should i just keep doing it?

  1. If you don’t want to be in the situation you can always leave. You need to tell him what you wrote here. Ask him straight up why he always steer the situation to NSFW. Talk with him about the dynamic.

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