I’ve gotten much better over the years. Due to my hobby I’ve gathered a bunch of acquaintances and I’ve got some connections within my university. The thing is I can’t make more close friends, let alone relationships. The latter one is doomed already so I don’t care but friendships are the thing I don’t get. Like, we drink after university, they even buy something for me as I am quite poor for now, lol. But I can’t initiate anything as all offers from me end up, well, rejected. Too strong word but English is not my native language. I even have some stories where I make connections with complete strangers although they needed me in that case.

Despite that I can’t get a geniune friend I can hang out with regardless of my skill set as a game master for trpgs. What should I do?

  1. “We drink after university” just wondering, are most of your connections revolving around alcohol?

  2. Also, try playing in some games instead of DMing. It forges a slightly different type of relationship. Your DM can sort of feel like your boss or opponent sometimes, whereas working together and solving problems together is a little more likely to inspire feelings if friendship.

    One other note is that saying other relationships will not ever be available to you is pretty self defeating and frankly unattractive. There is a big difference between that and self-deprecating humor. If you tell people that kind of negative stuff about you, they’ll just believe you. There is no reason to be doing that.

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