Whether it’s a true 12 months or not, what do you fellas look forward to every year? It could be seeing someone, going somewhere, a special trip with friends, an activity, a personal challenge you complete every year, etc.

I personally look forward to a couple different fly fishing trips every year.

1st big trip of the year is a camp/float trip on the Henry’s Fork in Idaho. There are a few friends and family members on this trip and it’s usually our first significant float trip of the year. We’ve been doing this one for 6/7+ years. Fishing can be excellent, sometimes it’s slow but it’s a great camp and time we’ll spent on the river.

The second trip I look forward to, and possibly my favorite trip of the year, also happens to be a steelhead camp/float in Idaho on the Salmon River.

This is a trip for the die hards in our group. It can be wet and cold, sometimes snowy, and there’s usually limited success. We get to fish specialty two handed spey rods and classic flies but if you hook a fish, let alone land one, it’s a major accomplishment. I’ve been going on this trip close to 10 years now and there’s been a large number of people I’ve gone with or who have come with us. It’s been a fun trip with good people. I’ve landed one steelhead in all my years going it keeps me coming back.

What are you looking forward to in the next year?

  1. I can’t think of anything.

    I don’t think my life has ever been stable enough to anticipate something for a whole year.

    January to December is an eternity of unknowable outcomes.

  2. I live in a cold part of Canada, I always look forward to motorcycle season. It only lasts 3-4 months

  3. Springtime when all of the flowers bloom

    This year? Looking forward to getting my notice from the military see if I made it in or not.

  4. I like my birthday – I take work off but then I just do what I want the whole day and make sure I get a resi for a good restaurant later w my partner that I’ve always wanted to goto and then do the rest with them. It’s just a day for…me. So I took it 🙃

  5. Deer season with my dad. Time away from my wife, kids, and work. I’ve gone every year for the last 25 years.

  6. Can’t really think of anything.

    My birthday is coming up in a month and not looking forward to that. It’s just going to be another day.

  7. Nothing.

    If I look forward to something and it is less than what I made up in my mind, then it’s a letdown. Plus, who knows, maybe I die before the event happens.

  8. I try to go to Michigan’s nascar race every year, I’ve been too poor for several but that is the one time a year or every few years I get to relax and enjoy myself with people.

  9. Almost Hallmark season! Find some divorcee to go apple picking with, pumpkin patch. Christmas time will be Christmas light shows, walks, snow kisses, benefit dinners holiday parties and holiday fairs. Sometime about March we’ll go out separate ways and I’ll be back to dueling, traveling and dancing until next fall.

  10. Every year, the town my wife and I live in has a fall festival that brings in everything fall. I’m talking pumpkins, apple pie, tractor rides, and much much more. It’s just such an enjoyable week, and it really brings our small community together.

  11. My wife’s stepdad has a place in Ocean City, New Jersey that we get to spend time at in the summer now. I’m not a big beach guy but my wife loves it so I look forward to her being excited about that. (Plus there’s the Churn House, which is the best.)

    The week between Christmas and New Year’s has always been a favorite. I love Christmas, and things being relatively quiet for a few days afterward is so nice.

    Our family of 3 started a new tradition this year of going away the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. Looking forward to where we head next year.

    And every July & October, my mom and I go shopping for ornaments. We’ve done it every year since 2013. Those two days are great.

    Huh. Writing it out makes me realize I’ve got it pretty good.

  12. Yearly fishing trip with the whole family. It’s been a tradition for as long as I can remember and it’s always the highlight of my year

  13. Fall, love it, it’s my favorite season. Football starts, whitetail season starts, football starts. In the Midwest nothing is better IMHO

  14. Fall and winter. Love it when the weather cools off and we get Football, Halloween, Thanksgiving and most of all Christmas. It’s the only holiday where everything changes. The movies on TV, commercials, music, decorations and lights all over. I love it all.

  15. I gotta say, I admire your enthusiasm for fly fishing trips! As for me, what I look forward to every year is my beach vacation. I love feeling the warm sand under my feet, enjoying the ocean breeze, and soaking up the sun. It’s my chance to relax, unwind, and create some great memories with my loved ones. So yeah, that’s what I’m really excited about in the upcoming year. How about you? What’s your go-to thing that keeps you eagerly waiting for the next year?

  16. The transition from winter to spring. I unleash all the pent up urge to do outdoor activities like kayaking and fishing. I usually go on a vacation to do this stuff in May.

  17. I look forward to moments with friends and family during the end of the year. I’m not too into celebrating holidays, but I find the moments I spend with them to be more memorable and festive. I don’t take many days off work so it’s especially important. It brings me a lot of joy to see them as the year finally winds down.

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