So I’ve been seeing this guy for about 2 1/2 months. Last night he asked me to be his girlfriend. He also told me that he dropped out of high school in 11th grade, but did get his GED. He also told me when he was young he went to jail for like 2 weeks for charges such as spray painting and conspiracy. He’s super nice, owns his own home, has a decent job that he gets paid well at, has an 8 year old son that he has 50% of the time. I do like him and have feelings for him, but since he told me about him going to jail and not finishing high school I have had some reservations and need advice lol.

  1. Sounds like he makes money and has his life together. Why does it matter that he didn’t graduate high school if he owns his own home and has a good job? And you’re seriously doubting this relationship because he spent 2 weeks in jail for vandalism when he was young??

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