Im coming on here just to rant and to get some advice on how to go about this situation. Me (f20) and my ex m21) broke up back in May. We were together for 8 months. Did no contact up until the beginning of September in which he is the one who broke no contact. During that time however, we were hooking up on really rare occasions but nothing would come out of it. Now recently we have been messing around for this whole month of September. He has been asking me to come over and we hang out. He treats me good. Gives me love, massages me, takes care of me, cuddles me, showers me after we have sexual relationships, etc (practically treats me as his gf). However, he keeps going back and forth with himself about giving us another change. He tells me he wants to try things again but he needs time to let go of certain issues we had when we initially broke up. Recently now, he does not text me anymore. The only way we have seen each other now is due to me being friends with his sister. Instead of him asking me straight forward to come over or to see him, he tells his sister to tell me to come over to their apartment. I am not sure what to do at this point. Im feeling really confused and i’m not sure if i should continue to wait. If i should let him be and go into no contact again. Or if i should text him and try to have a serious conversation about this. Im just tired of being left confused with no answers and having anxiety of what is going to happen next. Thank you guys

TL;DR! – how do i know if it is time to completely let go of my ex

  1. You’re giving him the benefits of a relationship without him having to commit. Unless you want to continue it that way, stop before he gets used to having you without putting a label on it.

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