Hello from the US! Hope you folks are doing alright!

So I am starting a clothing brand soon, and I was wondering how much do you guys pay for shipping when ordering from the US? I was planning on shipping to the UK after success in the US, but I’ve gotten messages from a few Brits asking if I’m shipping to the UK when I launch. So if I’m already gathering a following there, why shouldn’t I just go for it? I want my prices to be competitive in every aspect so I want to know what the standard shipping costs are for you guys.

  1. Whatever US Post charges. We also get charges import tax on goods above a certain value. Wish you good luck with your business! 🙂

  2. Please don’t use Reddit as a source of business advice.

    There are import duty calculators out there, and you can estimate shipping costs using a variety of tools

  3. Whatever the shipping price is set as in the US. However we do get slapped with an import tax.

    However sometimes I get charged import tax, sometimes I don’t. I might be wrong but I believe it depends on if the package is searched in customs? So if you’re shipping things that are more likely to be searched, I would guess people in the UK would be less likely to order from you.

    Good luck with your business.

  4. After one of my family had a bad experience, I think you might carry a note on your webpage directing UK customers to the .gov.uk website. Oders valued over a certain value (£135 I think) are hit with import duties and a processing fee that could sour you reputation and deter future purchases if they come unexpectedly.

    Not an answer to your question but perhaps worth knowing

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