There are a lot of single guys out there wanting to be in relationships (including myself) so for those in relationships, remind us of all the positive things about being single and what you miss about it. What does your partner do that makes you think being single isn’t so bad?

  1. The freedom to do what you want, whenever you want. You want to get delivery and spend a night playing games and clean up the next night? You could. Nobody else to pay attention to or run to the store for or try to impress

  2. The space and freedom is a big one. Every day feels like Saturday even if you have to work. Your time is totally and completely your own. Go anywhere, do anything.

    Edit: you can date a good person who gives you lots of space, but it’s still not the same as being single

  3. Nothing. When I’m single I’m trying to date or get laid and that whole process fucking SUUUCKS.

    I generally don’t feel restricted when I’m with someone. I never date controlling women.

  4. Not having any family ties.

    This is like a totally new and unwelcome millstone around my neck. Everything we plan, we have to plan around his family.

    Wedding is a really good example. I would just be, registry office in jeans. But no. It’s a wedding.

  5. Not in a relationship at the moment but I hated having to watch stupid ass tv shows. Then she would get upset when I was all in my phone 😆. Now I watch what I want, when I want and can stay up as long as I want. I love being single.

  6. I am single now but when I was in my last long term relationship I felt like she was holding me back from traveling, due to having an apartment and feeling guilty to leave her alone. When we broke up I gave her the apartment and bought my one way ticket abroad. Feel much happier now.

  7. I would say the only thing I miss is the fact that when your single you don’t haft to check in with anyone when your out, when you single you can be passed out in a ditch drunk and not haft to check in at all

  8. Being allowed to go to bed when I want to (I like to sleep early) and being allowed to play video games when I want

  9. Nesting and rearranging the house is my pet peeve. Yes Karen, there is such a thing as too many useless throw pillows and ever horizontal space does not require the placement of some worthless Knick-knack.

  10. Time, peace, friends, finding my stuff, rub one out whenever I wanted to, my time my plans. To just name a few

  11. Not having to participate in everything your partners suddenly decided they have to do. Like cleaning the place on a Saturday morning. Having to have her friends over Saturday night. Visiting her relatives on Sundays. Watching cringey sitcoms every weekday night. Having travel and deal with holiday crowds during your vacation instead of exploring the galaxy with Andreja.

  12. Sometimes, the freedom to do whatever I want, but I do miss being with my wife when we’re apart lol.
    Also, I rather like being able to cuddle whenever and have sex regularly; I did neither when I was single.

  13. I miss how few random social interactions I used to have. My SO is an extrovert. Not only does she like to strike up conversations with people around her, but she insists on pulling me into the conversations.

    I’m getting better at floating to a safe distance when she starts up with someone, though.

  14. I miss… the idea of it. But not the reality, the loneliness.

    I miss late night benders and gaming to the small hours of the morning and miss a certain sense of freedom that I can flirt with any girl. But when I was single I always got so empty and sad after a date going nowhere or a hookup because all I wanted was something serious.

    But what I have gained is far superior to these shallow pursuits.

  15. I think the only thing I miss about being single is that I don’t have to deal with my partner’s anxiety and inferiority complex. Then again that’s a problem on it’s own. I think if she didn’t have that I wouldn’t miss it at all.

    I’m not sure if I should break up with her. Sometimes she makes me feel like I’m not enough because I’m not constantly reassuring her that I love her with time/plans/dates/written letters/ details.

    I’m not sure If I’m just not like that or if I’m not that in love with her enough to do those kinds of stuff.

  16. I haven’t lost any “freedoms” other than not having sex with other people which isn’t exactly a loss for me since I never liked sleeping around in the first place. We collectively have more money, more time, more resources, more everything. I get companionship when I want it and “me time” when I want that too.

    There isn’t a damn thing I miss about being single.

  17. I miss being able to find things for sure. When I lived alone I knew where everything was and it never moved. Now it moves often and for no reason.

    Also I guess my method of organization is never correct, whatever, but hers isn’t either apparently because she’ll sort something and then just as I start to get used to it she’ll decide that it’s time to find a completely new way to sort everything and it all has to be moved.

  18. Freedom and strange

    Want to stay up way too late paying some new game that came out? Done

    Don’t want to hear about that bitch at work? Done

    Don’t want to give anyone else any attention at all? Done

    Wanna get yucky downtown on a Saturday night? Done

    Get intimate with a woman you barely know? Done

    Relationship is fun too though. Both sides are fun, just different.

  19. Really it’s just the freedom. Everything else is just so much better in a relationship, but sometimes I do miss those days where I’d just wake up and think, “Alright what do I wanna do today” and it could be anything.

    Not that I can’t do those things in a relationship, but I do have to consider her in those plans or give a heads up. Can’t just wake up and disappear lol it was one of the challenges I had to get over when I started dating my SO. I kept doing things without giving her a heads up and she’d only find out hours later that I was like in a completely different city or something.

  20. I miss nobody getting mad at me for anything, and being able to go about my day without fear of doing something wrong.

    I miss being able to make my own decisions, and invest in relationships without having to factor in or other peoples insecurities. Needs that become demands from a parter.

  21. Doing things on a whim. Not needing the approval of somebody else. Also kinda miss being self-destructive and not having to worry about anyone worrying about me

  22. Only having to think of myself when I do something. In a relationship, you should at least consider your partner when you make decisions. Single, do what you want when you want and no one has to deal with the repercussions but you.

  23. Honestly, I hit the jackpot with my wife. There are times we struggle, but even in the worst moments, having her next to me on the rollercoaster of life is better than being alone.

  24. Cutting back expenses exactly where you want to cut back. Not having almost everything be a negotiation. Doing what you want when you want. When going out to do something having it not be twice the expense.

    As far as the loneliness, being in an unhappy relationship is a LOT more lonely than being alone.

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