So i started to get back on the dating scene few months back and found a really nice girl , whom she later became my girlfriend. we had great chemistry , hung out a lot and went on few trips together but everything went downhill for me when i started having intercourse with her , the issue was there was bad odor which i though came from her vagina during intercourse , which lead me not to have sex with her and later did not feel like seeing her and pretty much ending our relationship . few weeks later i had a one night stand with another girl and during that time the same smell came back which lead me to believe that its something else that is causing that bad odor . came to realize that it was the type of condom i have been using (thin latex) and it was my first time using that type of condoms since i had no idea condoms can give that type of smell. I felt really bad and stupid at the same time for reacting the way i did.

  1. Yep she’s gone. Learn the lesson and move on. Word of advice, communication is key in relationships. If something is bothering you, tell them. Don’t get passive aggressive.

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