I’m not sure if this belongs here, so if it doesn’t, I’m so sorry mods!

I’m 17F, and a few months ago I went to my first gynecologist appointment and it was AWFUL. It hurt, bad.

I was expecting it to be uncomfortable, but not for it to hurt as much as it did. I almost passed out a few times throughout and after. She didn’t even do a Pap smear. It was a simple finger exam but it really really hurt. As far as I’m aware, my hymen isn’t broken or even stretched much, so that could be a contributing factor to the pain, but I’m not sure.

Now, I’m a few months I go in for my 18 year old appointment and I’m terrified because she mentioned having to do a full examination (pap smear and all). I’m so fucking scared. I relaxed as much as possible during the first appointment and it was still awful.

Do any other women out there have any advice on how to make it hurt less? Is there any technique I can use to stretch my hymen if that’s the problem? Would they be willing to give me anything to help with the pain/anxiety? I’m just really scared.

  1. If you are still a, virgin they shouldn’t be doing a full examination (pap smear) untill there is a reason to.

    Why are you seeing a gyno so often at this age?

  2. I don’t think so this thread is not something to be discussed here .. like this is for sexual issues .. you can discuss this issue in other channels !!

  3. If possible, go to Planned Parenthood for your BC; they are more sensitive and better at communicating

  4. If it is needed to do a vaginal exam you might want to see if they will prescribe a one-time Valium to help you relax. You would probably need to get it filled at the pharmacy before the appointment, take it when you get there and have a ride home because you can’t drive on valium.

  5. Tell your gynecologist about your previous experience, that it hurt really badly and that you’re super anxious about this appointment. If it helps to have a friend or family member there with you, then bring someone.

    Tell the gynecologist when it hurts, tell them when you need them to stop and give you a break. You are completely within your right to say stop, either asking for a break or ending the appointment.

    It isn’t a comfortable examination but what you’re describing is way worse than it should feel. And your gynecologist is the best person to discuss it with and figure out why that is.

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