What was your “Am I the bad guy?” moment?

  1. I was in high-school. Me and one other person were in charge of making the digital yearbook in our graphics design tech school.

    There was one girl in our class who was really annoying and a know-it-all and had to one up everyone she talked to.

    Well when making the digital yearbook, I gave everyone teeth whitening in their photos…. except for her. When we showed the DVD to a small group of other students, they all laugj3d when it came to her smile.

    I felt like a compleat dick at that moment.

  2. My wife’s Ex boyfriend, whom he hadn’t spoken to in over 8 years, messaged her out of the blue on Facebook 3 months after he got married.

    He was asking weird questions like “Weren’t we a good couple?” and “Do you ever think about me?”

    When she was asleep, I screen shotted the messages and sent them to my phone. I then found the guys wife from his Facebook and sent her the photos along with the message, “Tell your husband that my wife has moved on.”

    I thought she deserved to know what her husband was doing but my wife said I went too far. Her ex has since blocked us on Facebook, but his wife is still in my friends list.

  3. This one might be controversial: I was pretty big on “What about x?” both in regards to black lives matter and women’s issues and the like. SO sold on pushing the thing of “white people experience racism too” and “men have to deal with x serious thing women don’t have” that I wasn’t actually listening to valid experiences people had, and the current problems in society towards these groups that I wasn’t taking seriously. :U I was pretty happy making discussions about myself and my own group instead, or arguing it’s equally bad for *us,* and it feels bad after I had that realization of what I was doing. Made for a very uncomfortable discussion though, when someone brought me around to see it.

  4. Starting to have sex again after 3-letter medical diagnosis and treatment.

    It’s an absolute mental mindfuck.

    No matter what you tell yourself, you think – am I possibly the biggest bad guy?

    Even though everyone’s informed, even though meds, even though protection, it’s just… getting over the big mental hurdle of: ‘am I a bad guy, do I deserve to do this?’

    Biggest mental hurdle. Fear of being a bad guy/bad person even though it’s not true.

  5. Dude, I had this one time where my girl was mad at me for not taking out the trash. And like, I thought she was overreacting but then all my bros were like “dude, you’re being a dick.” So yeah, that was definitely an “Am I the bad guy?” moment. Just gotta own up to it sometimes and apologize.

  6. Realising in moments of anger I can sometimes be quite similar to my father with my little brother. I stopped in mid track and I just went outside to catch myself before coming in and apologising

  7. This little dude, atmr ound 8, was running around the csfe court at our local mall. It was a Saturday and it was busy. He kept running into people, knocking over people’s food, and just being a mini jack ass. His mom was too busy thumbing on her phone to control her kid. More than one person said sonething and she acted like a bitch or just blew them off all together.

    I noticed he was doing these weird laps, but he would always came zooming past her. So i told my wife i was gonna go have sone fun and grabbed my drink, i got a refill and stood by her and sure ebough he rounded the corner and ran right into me And oops, my drink fell out of my hand and into her lap. She lost her shit, i started laughing. I pointed at the kid and said he ran into my my bad. Tske it up with his parents. I said, “Oh wait,” and walked away

  8. You know the saying “if you run into and asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole; but if you run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole”?

    That’s what it felt like at my bjj gym for awhile. Every person that joined after me just rubbed me the wrong way, to the point I didn’t want to go to class. It was definitely a me thing, only one of the bunch was actually an asshole.

  9. Told my wife her degenerate siblings were never allowed in my house even to visit for the day. Supervised time only with our daughter. The wife will always have separate transport. I won’t be sacrificing my time with my family either. Visit time is while im at work only. The rest of the family is granted full rights.

  10. Killed a mentally handicapped man… I was investigated and found I followed SOP and nothing was done…. 20 years later still think about it all the time

  11. I go there a lot honestly, I am an asshole to work with. I know my trade and take pride in what I do. It’s already hard work, if people make it more work than it should be when they most certainly know better I can get real grumpy. In the rest of life I’m too much of a pushover honestly so I find myself asking “How stupid am I?” More than anything.

  12. I was a class officer in high school. A contentious issue during my time was uniforms and there was a student who was leading a campaign to change the rules. Being a bit of a brown-noser in my youth, I was incensed that this youth dared challenge the school administration, so I worked with a few fellow officers to bring this person down in a public manner.

    I mean…the effort ultimately succeeded and the uniform policy stayed unchanged, but…yeah…I was a dick for doing this. I apologized to him when I got older.

  13. I remember making both a boy and girl cry in high school by bullying them. I stupidly took my hurt onto them.

    I cringe at the things I said but I’ve said sorry so many times and both forgave me and our my close friends now. The man I bullied is now a close friend of mine and he hugged me and told me he loved me once after he opened up to me about his horrific child abuse trauma which made me feel more shitry about once bullying him to tears in school. Now knowing what he was going through back then out of school

    The woman has told me to stop saying sorry to her for the mean things I said as she knows that wasn’t really me and she thinks I’m a generally decent person but I can’t stop feeling really gulity about making her cry in school.

    I generally hate myself back then for what I did to those 2. Even when they have forgiven me and are my friends now. The actual only friends I have left since high school. I don’t want to stop feeling guilt for it TBH. It generally disgusts me on how I treated them back them. Inexcusable

  14. A couple days ago I hired a woman. Our field crew is all male. It seems most of my coworkers, including women in the office, think this was a mistake.

    The woman I hired has been taking construction industry training courses. She very much wants to get into the trades. I have hired young men smaller than her and with less experience. She wants to get into the trades and had no problem with this being a male dominated industry. Told her in the interview that she would be the only woman on the field crew. She had no problem with that.

    The issue from the field guys is small talk while driving from job to job. They claim they have to watch their language around women. This is a woman who is knowingly putting herself in a male dominated industry. I doubt she is unaware of guys being guys.

    I just don’t get it. A woman can do the work just as well, but it is weird to work with her?

    Maybe some women have insight into how I can ease the tensions of my boys (I guess they are not men after all?) I just don’t like the idea of excluding women from this role if they want it.

    I’ve had management ask me who we should send her with for training. I don’t care. Treat her like any other guy we hire for an apprenticeship. Either she can do it or not, just like any guy I hire. Why is this a problem?

  15. Every girl I’ve dated married the guy she dated after me within one year of breaking up with me.

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