I (18m) need advice about my relationship with my 15yo nb gf

OK so just to preface, I’m asking if and how I should end this. This is my first real relationship and I didn’t even know they were that young until I had already said I’d go out with them. At the time I just assumed they were like 17 or 18, but about a month in is when u found out. They initiated every step in this relationship, (not saying that makes it better, just clarifying.) And they aren’t doing well mentally so I’ve been hesitant to break it off. They have a pretty concerning/traumatic history, especially with relationships and they keep saying stuff like “well now you can’t break up with me or it will ruin this for me” (about a place we went together near their house). They’re a really sweet and kind person and I really don’t want to hurt them but it’s starting to make me uncomfortable and I feel really gross about the whole thing. Should I break it off? I still want to be friends because their alot of fun and I enjoy hanging out with them, but I’m worried that if I break it off I’ll lose them and the mutual friend we met through. I’m just trying to figure out how to fix this whole mess without really hurting them. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Tl;Dr I’m in a relationship with a 15 yo and I feel gross about it but don’t want to hurt them, as they have some mental and emotional issues that could mean a breakup would really mess them up. And they sort of guilt me into staying.

1 comment
  1. Yikes. First of all … there’s no way this can continue. You’re never gonna stop feeling gross about it, you’re never gonna be okay with it. A couple years ago I was in a relationship I didn’t want to be in but stayed with the person because they were going through some stuff AND to top it off they were suicidal. I so regretted it. Yes it might hurt her but if you feel bad about something end it. Talk to her about and tell her that you feel it’s wrong. I think the answer to the situation is soooooo obvious.

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