Men, how do you handle a mid-day sugar/caffeine crash at work?

  1. I’ve gotten in the habit of having a piece of fruit in the afternoon. That’s usually enough to get me through the rest of the day.

  2. Don’t eat sugary or carbohydrate-heavy breakfasts. Eat a bowl of eggs and bacon and cheese – eat more fats and proteins so your blood sugar doesn’t spike early morning and then crash later in the day.

  3. Eggs and bacon in a wrap. Sugar free coffee additives so the crash isn’t so severe.

    Have some hard boiled eggs, trail mix, for snacks.

  4. I start falling asleep everyday around 2:00 without fail. There’s been times where I literally pass out for like 30 minutes. Especially if I’m working on something boring. Unfortunately I hate coffee and just cut out pop from my diet so I just try to drink a lot of water and walk around a bit.

    I actually found out recently that if I workout during my lunch break it gives me more energy to push through the afternoon. Usually try to get in at least 1-2 miles of running. I’m not sure why but it works for me…

  5. I literally quit a two decades long caffeine addiction to beat the afternoon crash from drinking coffee in the morning. One of the best thing Ive ever done.

  6. Gave it up. It’s mostly a mind over matter thing. Once you give it up, you realize it wasn’t ever necessary to begin with.

  7. Don’t consume (added) sugar or caffeine. Protein and fruit shake for breakfast, handful of nuts for mid-morning snack, protein and veggies for lunch, piece of fruit and protein bar for mid-afternoon snack, protein and veggies for dinner. Take hits of water w/lemon throughout the day to stay hydrated and alert.

  8. I get up, walk around for 5min, get a large cup of cold water, and get a light snack (almonds, biscuits, digestives, etc).

  9. Delay caffeine in the morning till you’ve fully woken up, 90 minutes usually does the trick. Otherwise your just moving feeling tired further down the day.

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