why cant I approach a girl that I like but I can approach normal girls and I feel sad when I see her talking to other boys even though im not willing to go talk to her? what should I do to fix this loop?

1 comment
  1. The approach part is just fighting butterflies man. That feeling will be there but like after 30 sec into talking with them it goes away. From there it’s just how bad you will fuck it up. I’ve found it’s nothing more than personalities colliding, sometimes you absolutely bounce off and flow with a person. Other times, it’s just a total awkward shit show. But, I blame them for that and move on. You don’t want to be with someone anyway you can’t click with.

    Just gut it out, out of the 5 you approach maybe only one clicks so it doesn’t matter the approach part. When I moved to Costa Rica I was told if you make eye contact and don’t approach it’s super offensive. So out of respect I had to, in the beginning when I got scared, no shit those girls got really mad and rude to me later because I didn’t step up and they gave me interest. So I guess from there, you do it enough it’s just not a big deal anymore.

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