Okay so we met up today to give my boyfriend a blowjob after mentioning yesterday and were talking about it all day today (pretty much childhood friends as he lives near my neighborhood). It was both our first times and were both virgins. He picked me up in his dads ute and we drove around to the back of the park where no one roams around šŸ˜

So he took it out and omg itā€™s very intriguing. Theyā€™re like super hard and looks kinda angry but the tip is soooooo squishy! I was thinking ā€œwhy is there one big mushroom on a rainforestā€ šŸ„
It was fun for a while when I was squeezing the top like a stress ball. I told him to close his eyes and said I was going to do it. All I did was lay my tongue at the tip twice (no movements) took one gulp half way down, came out put it back again and went back down and he just screamed omg pushed my head and covered his thing with his boxers

He was just sorry and embarrassed for that time. I asked him if I could go again and did with this time lasting about 3-5 minutes? Overall had a positive experience from jt, I like how warm it is with the skin being so smooth. We spoke about finishing in my mouth and he did, which wasnā€™t too bad. Best way to describe it as being a thicker warm salty water.


1. Is it usually that fast?
2. It was spasming and moving like like a heat beat, I was giggling when he couldnā€™t seem to control it. Porn I havenā€™t seen it move like that so is that normal?
3. I was tearing up and nearly threw up when he was taking it further down. Iā€™m terrible at it, is that something I could improve on?
4. I feel quite nauseous after, should I be worried?


1. Always bring a hair tie! Omg it was getting all over, and tough to hold my hair and do it at the same time.

Overall I really enjoyed it and thought it was a fun exercise with my favorite person in the whole world and would 100% do it again. Iā€™m so glad I got to share it with him and Iā€™m sure he also enjoyed by the looks of things except for his first mishap šŸ¤« I just have more questions and canā€™t stop thinking about it. If you have any more tips or things I couldā€™ve done differentlyā€¦ TIA šŸ™‚

  1. For your third point, donā€™t let him push it down your throat if youā€™re not comfortable with it. This is something you should enjoy too, and it will take time and practice.

    Personally, I prefer not to go deep but have your tongue do a lot of the work while itā€™s in your mouth. Your hand can work it too. Donā€™t get fixated on your mouth being a hole to duck when thereā€™s so much more it can do.

    Glad it was a good first time for you anyway.

  2. 1. No such thing as a normal duration, it varies but should be longer.

    2. By the sounds of things your bf was very horny but that’s really normal.

    3. With time and more practice you will see yourself improving. Understand it was your first time.

    4. If he finished in your mouth then yes that’s normal, have some fizzy drink!

  3. – How fast it goes depends on the person
    – Movement is super normal, porn actors train to make it look good and that takes a lot of what actually happens. Never seen a performer clean himself after.
    – The tearing and throwing up is part of your gag reflex, there some information about training that on Google.

  4. 1. Depends on the guy, but usually not. First time nerves are a thing, for a lotta folks this happens every time they have a new partner. Maybe they cum super fast, maybe they can’t cum at all, maybe they can’t maintain an erection, etc. Same thing happens to girls. Weirdness with orgasms or wetness, etc.

    Don’t worry about it, he’ll almost certainly last longer after a bit of practice – and the practice is fun for both of you! Make sure he knows you’re not disappointed in him for finishing quickly, it can be very emasculating and a source of a *lot* of shame, and nobody wants their partner to deal with that.

    2. Haha yep, dicks throb. Some more than others. It’s a good thing, it means he’s *really* turned on. When you do something that makes him throb, do more of that thing!

    3. Yeah, deepthroating is a skill that can be learned! You were getting your gag reflex triggered – but fortunately it’s REALLY easy to train! A bit uncomfortable (as you’ve experienced) but really easy. [All you need is your toothbrush!](https://squirrelmunk.com/2017/10/14/learn-how-to-deep-throat/) A couple weeks of doing this and you’ll see HUGE progress.

    Also, talk to him about what he likes and doesn’t like! For me personally, I’m more into head than throating, but a lot of guys feel the opposite. It’s all about what feels good for your partner and what’s fun for you! šŸ™‚

    4. Nah, don’t be worried. That’s common – swallowing a bunch of cum for the first time, along with having your gag reflex messed with, that’ll happen. You’ll almost certainly not have this problem after swallowing a few more times. If you still do, maybe swallowing isn’t something you’ll wanna do often, just as a special treat. You can make spitting sexy – drool cum out onto your tits or something!

  5. Congrats on your first experience and for doing it with someone you have a long connection with.

    Just to clarify he came twice? Once after a couple strokes in your mouth and then you tried again and he lasted a bit longer? Or did he not cum when he pushed your head away?

    1. First time or few times can be very intense/overwhelming. Most guys will last longer as they get more experience and are more comfortable. I still find bj’s very intense and cum fairly fast but actually last longer with sex.
    2. Spasms are totally normal especially if neither of you were holding his penis while he came.
    3. Don’t feel obligated to take it so deep that you gag… you will probably be able to work up to taking it deeper over time. Until then you can always use your hand and mouth at the same time. It’s also okay to tell him not to push your head, you should be in control during a bj.
    4. If you swallowed, sometimes semen can upset your stomach.. if you didn’t swallow not sure what would make you nauseous. On this note, while you should try letting him cum in your mouth and or swallowing you shouldn’t feel obligated to. It’s fine to either spit it out or just finish him with your hand not in your mouth.

  6. Congratulations! It typically never goes that fast. But very typical for his first time. The fact that you were ready to try again says everything. Youā€™ve got this. Plus a lot of men will guide you with their wants. Donā€™t ever under value yourself. Youā€™re becoming a goddess.

  7. in my experience, if you want to learn, you really have to ask guys to give you pointers. Otherwise, they’ll only say you’re the best ever, which is kinda nice to hear, but hardly believable.

  8. Yes definitely a hair tie!! And yes like anything else, practice practice practice. And also youā€™ll find that every guy likes it slightly different.

  9. 1) No. It was fast because he’s not experienced/de-sensitized to the situation.

    2) Yes normal. Ejaculation comes with muscle contractions which cause his cock to twitch and jerk. For a new/first time experience, his would be especially powerful.

    3) Yes you can learn to de-sensitize your gag reflex. Practice does help.

    4) No. Probably just a combination of the intense experience, leaning over, some new tastes and smells, etc.


    Well done. He’s a lucky kid.

  10. I suggest using a šŸ„• carrot šŸ„• to practice on. You also can see if your using your teeth or not and itā€™s great practice.

  11. There are many good tutorials you can watch that give tips for mouth work, hands, and how to change it up (meaning do different things at different paces so itā€™s kind of like a dance). Enthusiasm is huge. Plus ball play, rimming, using knuckles on perineum, squeezing/scratching/grabbing thighs, legs in general, stomach, chest, nipples etcā€¦.

    Using your throat, general rule is it takes practice to learn to deepthroat, and a toothbrush is a good place to start. You are both amateurs though and he needs to slow his roll on trying to face fuck you or force you down. At no point should he get carried away and he needs to know that is never allowed. Period. Inexperience is not an excuse. Getting rough is a lot of fun but only when it is consensual. The only one allowed to get ā€œcarried awayā€ is you. He is only allowed to get rough within the confines of what is discussed and consented. He is NEVER allowed to get carried away.

    There are many types of blow jobs and ways to vary in within and between blowjobs. Fast, slow, hard, soft, casual, quick, drawn out, tons of edging, where he finishes, percentage of hand job vs oral, distracted (on phone, gaming, movie, etc).

    Hygiene is another big thing. Personally I cannot stand a full unkept forest. To each their own, no judgment to any readers. For me, usually pubes trimmed (usually #2-4 with clippers), but sometimes straight hard floors, my balls havenā€™t had hair since ball hair started growing, and I donā€™t think anyone likes hairy balls in their mouth (no one is somewhat hyperbole). Iā€™ve always shaved my ass and crack too, but I donā€™t have the same issues others report.

    Now itā€™s his turn to give you head and for him to learn as much about going down on you.

  12. Erections happen because the blood vessels in the penis dilate, allowing them to fill up with blood, so it’s common for it to move in sync with your heart beat.

    Also, during orgasm, the muscles in your pelvic floor contract powerfully to eject the contents of your prostate, when that happens the penis will often twitch around like crazy for a few secconds until the muscles stop.

    Also fun fact: there are muscles around the scrotum that contract to regulate the temperature of the testes and the sperm inside it, if you stare at a pair of balls for long enough you’ll be able to see them move around involuntarily.

  13. The way I read your post . Your already past the hard part . You can’t really use anymore advice you’ve got this . He is a lucky guy and he knows it

  14. Congratulations! Sounds like you had a great time, and it was fun for both of you. You’ve gotten a lot of great feedback, so hope you don’t mind some more.

    1. The time you say is within the range I’ve experienced with some men– totally normal. Some men cum quickly, others actually take a LONG time. And some days it will vary with the same man. Don’t sweat it!
    2. The spasming, to me, is a wonderful feeling. Porn sometimes will show you that, but remember porn is designed to visually stimulate, and isn’t a good reflection of reality.
    3. I too, have a very sensitive gag reflex, and don’t like that feeling. But you will see that other women enjoy it, and have given tips.
    4. Nausea for me happens sometimes- it can depend on the guy, the volume, and what/when I’ve eaten recently. This may go away. And if it doesn’t, and you don’t like the feeling- don’t swallow.

    Enjoy! This was so wholesome šŸ™‚

  15. It was that fast cause he is a virgin very normally he can last longer eventually. The moving and spasming is totally normal some guys have more noticeable spasm then others.you can improve your gag reflex with practice or try to. You most likely felt nauseous cause of the adrenaline rush or just from being nervous.

  16. The speed depends on the guy, but since he was a virgin chances are good it won’t be that fast as he becomes more familiar with the feeling. A lot of guys actually struggle to cum from just head.

    You can definitely improve, and don’t stress about being too fancy with it. Figure out what he likes (how much suction, how fast, how sloppy, how tight a grip with your hand – ask for feedback as you go and make sure he tells you which styles he prefers and which aren’t as good for him) and just keep doing that. Personally I find sloppy blowjobs the easiest to do and the most enjoyable for most guys. I like to deep throat just a little to get the saliva going, and just keep adding to it as it builds instead of swallowing. Will make handjobs a lot easier too, especially if he’s circumcised. I like to give a half handjob on the lower half while I suck the top as my main style, and have moments of deepthroating and sucking with only my mouth while I hold his dick straight by gently pushing down on his balls. When it comes to deep throating just keep practising and don’t push yourself too far each time. Aim to do a tiny bit better than last time and you’ll be able to do more than you think in no time. My main tip is to be super conscious of the angle of your teeth. No one likes a toothy bj and you can injure them too.

    Feeling like you might throw up is fairly common, and beware that it definitely happens. Listen to your body and slow it down when you feel that way. Make sure if you’re engaging in face fucking that he isn’t holding your head too firmly and you’re able to pull back if you need to.
    I don’t like to deepthroat if I’ve eaten recently, and when I’m choosing food before having sex I generally choose heavier foods that are harder to come up. So avoiding soups and such, sticking with breads and pastas and such. A lot of girls don’t like a heavy food before sex though because it’ll bloat your tummy so I guess that’s personal.

    I also sometimes feel nauseous after swallowing after a bj. I don’t have many tips on that except to find out if he even really cares about you swallowing. Chances are he’d love to cum plenty of other places. If I don’t feel like swallowing I just dirty talk that I want their cum in a specific place and most guys are enthusiastic to give it wherever I request it.

  17. The speed depends on the guy, but since he was a virgin chances are good it won’t be that fast as he becomes more familiar with the feeling. A lot of guys actually struggle to cum from just head.

    You can definitely improve, and don’t stress about being too fancy with it. Figure out what he likes (how much suction, how fast, how sloppy, how tight a grip with your hand – ask for feedback as you go and make sure he tells you which styles he prefers and which aren’t as good for him) and just keep doing that. Personally I find sloppy blowjobs the easiest to do and the most enjoyable for most guys. I like to deep throat just a little to get the saliva going, and just keep adding to it as it builds instead of swallowing. Will make handjobs a lot easier too. I like to give a half handjob on the lower half while I suck the top as my main style, and have moments of deepthroating and sucking with only my mouth while I hold his dick straight by gently pushing down on his balls. When it comes to deep throating just keep practising and don’t push yourself too far each time. Aim to do a tiny bit better than last time and you’ll be able to do more than you think in no time. My main tip is to be super conscious of the angle of your teeth. No one likes a toothy bj and you can injure them too.

    Feeling like you might throw up is fairly common, and beware that it definitely happens. Listen to your body and slow it down when you feel that way. Make sure if you’re engaging in face fucking that he isn’t holding your head too firmly and you’re able to pull back if you need to. I don’t like to deepthroat if I’ve eaten recently, and when I’m choosing food before having sex I generally choose heavier foods that are harder to come up. So avoiding soups and such, sticking with breads and pastas and such. A lot of girls don’t like a heavy food before sex though because it’ll bloat your tummy so I guess that’s personal.

    I also sometimes feel nauseous after swallowing after a bj. I don’t have many tips on that except to find out if he even really cares about you swallowing. Chances are he’d love to cum plenty of other places. If I don’t feel like swallowing I just dirty talk that I want their cum in a specific place and most guys are enthusiastic to give it wherever I request it.

  18. I’m pretty sure you don’t need a coach for this . Next mouth you could probably give better advise then what your getting . The reason I say this is because it seems like it is something you are really trying hard to be the best you can be at it . With that in mind you can take everything you heard from hear and throw it out of the window

  19. I’m saying in a mouth with lots of practice you will know what you know more about this then can be explained . Like learning how to walk after a mouth of learning to walk nobody had to tell you or help you with it just comes natural to you

  20. LOL….I love your attitude, and your descriptions! I look forward to seeing other posts from you.

    It sounds as if everything went great, considering that it’s the first time for you both. You’re gonna be fine, and it sounds like you two are a good couple.

  21. This reads like a POV of a Martian. šŸ˜‚.

    I canā€™t really give advice or react because Iā€™m genuinely not sure what Iā€™ve just read.

  22. If it was his first blowjob it’s no surprise he finished fast. That will change over time. Working on the gag reflex takes time and an understanding and patient partner, but once you can take it all in the sensation for him will be insane.
    Side note. You’re a good girlfriend.

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