I know we are all kinda taught to shave off or trim our pubes to be more appealing to our partners but in reality, does anyone really care that much? Have you ever been with a chick who didn’t shave and it was a deal breaker?

Genuine question.

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  2. Honestly…that depends on the person. Some people like it hairy, some don’t. Personally…I love it…give me all the bush…

  3. This depends on your partner wheter he likes it or not or comfortable in both ways .. personally I like both .

  4. Depends to be totally honest. Is it “gross?” no. It’s natural.

    Personally, I am fine with hair on the mons pubis but, on the labia and surrounding area, not so much… mostly because i’m a visual person and enjoy seeing it all as well as it just makes giving oral so much easier.

    If a woman were to ask me if I would prefer her “bald/waxed,” shaved, trimmed, or full bush? I’d absolutely prefer bald or shaved, or closely trimmed.

    I’m not even sure if porn has anything to do with anything either. I watch porn but 99.9% of the women I’ve been – hookups in this case – have either been totally waxed or have some little design on the mons area OR trimmed at the least. So it’s what I’m used to I guess?

    I don’t expect anything but I guess it’s “out of the norm” for a woman to have a full grown bush? idk…

    Do what you feel comfortable with and if anyone has issues with it then… fuck em

  5. After having bald kitty in my mouth for so many years, I’d love some hair down their. I’ve never had a problem with it but it seems to be rare these days

  6. Have been with women who have shaved and didn’t shave. My preference (truly it’s whatever she is comfortable with) is hairy vs bald. Oral is much better when there’s some hair and there’s much less friction.

  7. My partner doesn’t care but I still trim because when it’s long and stuck in fabric it hurts

  8. I don’t like it on myself or on my male parters. I like bare skin. And hair holds on to sweat, and yes, pee. So unless you JUST showered it’s gonna be smelly. Also don’t like a mouthful of hair and I like to kiss the whole body.

    But there plenty of people who like trimmed or shapes like a landing strip or even a full bush. It’s gonna be personal preference.

  9. Yes to me it is. If someone doesn’t trim/shave/wax/sugar their pussy, it’s no different to me than a girl who doesn’t shave her pits or legs. It’s gross and if you go down on a woman, who wants to get hair in their mouth.

  10. Not gross at all. I grew up in the 70s and 80s so I remember most girls having a full bush. Also, we saw it a lot in porn so it seems normal to me. I’ve performed oral sex on both and I don’t have a preference. I think each style has advantages.

  11. I don’t wax to be more appealing to my partner. I wax because I hate the feeling of hair.

  12. I’m older, so most of my partners were natural. I would volunteer to trim if things were too wild for easy oral, and most took me up on it, but otherwise, bring it on. Never a deal breaker!

  13. Not remotely. I absolutely adore hairy bush, especially giving oral. I have absolutely no caveats about it having to be neatly trimmed either. The thicker and fuller the better. With very few exceptions, every woman I’ve been with has been elated that I much prefer full bush and they didn’t have to shave!

    The sight of it and especially the feel, nuzzling it with my face and the scent gets me absolutely rock hard. If I could, I’d do nothing but go down on my partner’s phenomenally hairy pussy 24/7, every minute and my jaw would fall off before I ever got sick of it.

    Her beautiful brunette hair with gold and auburn highlights when the light catches it contrasting with her beautiful porcelain skin is so incredibly sexy and she tastes amazing, literally like sweet mango nectar. Makes me feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I refuse to believe I’m the only guy who feels this way.

    Why would it be the norm for women from all walks of life to rock the full bush and men perfectly content going down on them from one decade (70s) and then suddenly seen as “gross/taboo” unless there’s some socially constructed reason?

    I assume it’s linked to exposure to trends in porn overwriting what we would ordinarily naturally be attracted to. I didn’t spend my formative years influenced by contemporary porn trends so I believe I’m just wired to be most attracted to how a grown woman is naturally.

    Besides, I don’t imagine many guys are going to pass up sex when they’re in the mood over some pubic hair.

    TL;DR Hairy vulva is the hottest thing in the fucking world and you will never change my mind.

  14. pubic hair is natural and beautiful to me, I came of age when it was very rare for a gal to be shaved, trimmed a bit for a bikini was it typically.

  15. Nope. I like it shaved, but I really don’t care. The only time I ever asked someone to trim was because she had a tuft that fell over her clit and made it impossible to do oral without getting a mouthful of hair.

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