How do you find your way to move on from a hardship in your marriage? How do you SAY you forgive your partner and then ACT on that forgiveness? Especially after a mutually shared and agreed boundary was broken by your partner?

Thought before you answer: Boundaries are the most important thing next to communication in any relationship. Broken boundaries are huge deals. Right?

  1. It all depends on wht was done. U didnt give specifics so any advice given will b bs

  2. You have to actually work through the issue and genuinely forgive. You can’t just say the words and expect that to be enough.

    For me to forgive I have to genuinely feel the other party has truly acknowledged their transgression, apologised and shown that they won’t repeat the behaviour. After that it’s basically time for me to accept and ‘get over it’. How long that takes depends on the issue and how the other person behaves following the incident.

  3. Communication is way more important than “boundaries”. Humility is also more important than “boundaries”.

    Obviously true protection of self matters, but often this “boundaries” conversation is largely about ego and an unwillingness to self-reflect regarding insecurities, jealousies, etc…

  4. You’re skipping the whole process in between “broken boundaries” and “forgiveness”.

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