Hey everyone,

I recently started dating my first girlfriend ever and I’m wondering how to approach the situation of having sex while she’s on her period. I’ve never had sex with someone while their vag is bleeding and I don’t like looking at blood because the way it looks it’s weird.

Any tips on how to actually enjoy looking at it and just moving forward with the action?

Thank you

Edit: I worded it out like I’m a 15 year old. I just want to make sure we’re both comfortable and I don’t want to look like I’m grossed out. It will just be a first time experience and I would just like to know what to expect form it

  1. If you don’t like looking at blood I’d suggest doing it in the dark? That way the only time you’d see the blood is when you’re cleaning up. I’d also suggest doing it on her lighter days, so the beginning it towards the end. Those days are ~typically~ spotting and lighter so it shouldn’t be as bloody as it would on a heavier day.

  2. The shower is your friend, typically we stop bleeding or it lessens in the shower and even if there is a little.. not noticeable.

    If you do it anywhere but the shower, aim for a light day of her period, maybe tail end, put a sheet down, lights off or low, you get used to it – but there may be some blood

  3. Do it in the dark. Have her use a menstrual disc. She can have sex with one in. Literally had this exact scenario last night ;D

  4. Fortunately women have mouths and assholes for moments like these. Praise God for his thoughtful design.

  5. I have no problem with sex while my partner has her period. Typically, if she has a tampon in before sex it lessens the mess. Also, I try to avoid the heavier flow days. Works for me but YMMV. Good luck getting your “Red Wings”.

  6. If she uses menstrual cup or tampons: Oral sex will be fine, there shouldn’t be any blood. Avoid vaginal penetration unless she takes it out, but then it might get bloody.

    If she uses pads: Get her off with a vibrator and/or your hand without her taking off her underwear. A more powerful vibe like a wand works great over underwear + pad.

    And she can of course get you off as well.

    Remember to ask if she even wants to have sex on her period and what methods she would be comfortable with.

  7. I never enjoyed it during that time. Too messy . SO just didn’t do it during my time….. Sorry no advice to offer.

  8. If she’s cool with it and you’re cool with it, you just do it. Yeah it’s messy. Put down a bunch of towels and laugh about the murder scene after.

    If one of you doesn’t want it, don’t do it.

  9. Try in the shower witch some candlelight that way you don’t have to see the blood but can still enjoy each other

  10. Put down a red towel on the bed. When you’re finished, wipe yourself down with it. Keep the lights low. You’ll barely see the blood. Usually.

  11. Put a towel you don’t care about getting stained down underneath y’all. And do it with the lights off so you don’t see the blood.

  12. Throw down a towel, use a condom. If neither of you want to see the blood, turn the lights off and jump in the shower right after.

    My partner & I don’t use menstrual discs or condoms but I see quite a few other people offering those so those would be things to try too.

    Edit: (in case anybody younger reads this for advice too) USE A CONDOM UNLESS YOU WANT KIDS / PREVENT STDS. You can still get STDs while someone is on their period and depending on the day in the cycle, they can get pregnant too.

  13. Just put some towels under her pelvic region and on the bed directly between her legs.

    Soak the bedsheets, clothing. ect., in cold water for several hours before putting it in the washing machine.

    Be very gentle and patient with her.

  14. if you want to look comfortable put her period blood on your face like war paint and tell her you’d fight anyone to the death for her. Guaranteed to make her laugh. My ex did it and i still think back on how comfortable it made me think he was with my period! no weirdness after that, and all other men looked like pussies in comparison.

  15. Best advice? Don’t look at it. Other than that, it’ll be the same. Just put a towel down at first, or have a towel ready for cleanup. Then just shower off afterwards, and have round 2 in the shower 😉

  16. Menstrual sex is very individual and highly personal. I’ve been married 20 years and can count the number of times I’ve had sex on my period. Most were accidental and destroyed my sheets 🙃. My husband isn’t into it as he likes watching his penis going in and seeing his shaft bloody was a bit of a turnoff for him so it was usually avoided. I get extremely aroused during my period but I’m usually in too much pain to want sex anyway. I’ve had an implanon for 10 years and my periods are few and far between so it’s not an issue anymore.

    Put a bath sheet down – get a maroon one specifically for the occasion and use it every time you do the dolmio. Expect mess. Make sure she knows she’s still beautiful to you, and you’re not repulsed by her body doing what it’s meant to do. Pamper her and make her feel desired – most of us feel pretty horrendous even if we are during our period. If she says no, take it as no and just make sure she knows she’s loved and you care about her wellbeing. Not all of us want sex during our period. If she is receptive, you may need to remove her tampon – don’t make a big deal out of it, she’ll probably do it the first time, just don’t do it without warning in case she just put it in a removing a freshly inserted tampon can be unpleasant.

    Regarding looking at blood: You don’t have to *look at* her vagina and vulva if you are uncomfortable, just pay attention to it with your hands and know that she will probably be extra sensitive. And above all, clean up afterwards. At least the first time and (preferably every time), you shouldn’t expect her to do the cleaning up just because it’s blood – after the first time, you’ll work out who does what, but the first time it’s you doing the work to make sure she knows this is a normal and good (possibly not the right word… close enough) thing to you.

    Oral sex: this is not something I’d ever expect of my husband, but the people I know that do receive oral during their period vary wildly in what they receive. One receives digital vaginal stimulation and oral clit simulation, one prefers external simulation only with her tampon still in and removes it before PIV sex, and another gets oral just like when she’s not on her period. Again, it’s very personal and you may not be ok with this. That’s perfectly alright, we all have our boundaries.

    I’m really happy to see you posted this and asked, before just jumping in and making assumptions. I wish you a long and fulfilling relationship.

  17. Simple steps:

    1- Both of you shower. This is mostly for her to clean up any blood that has dried on, but you both should clean up to prevent potential infections for either of you.

    2- Lay a big, comfy black towel on your chosen surface where you wish to commence intercourse. Black makes any blood less obvious.

    3- Have her be on the towel, or over it, depending on the place you both choose and the position that she is in. Examples: If you’re on a bed, she can be on the towel. If she’s in a standing position or leaning on something, she can stand over it. Not on it, mind you. You don’t want her to slip and fall.

    4- Have medical-style nitrile gloves and lubricant on hand if you truly insist on not touching blood during foreplay, but make sure she’s cool with that idea first. She might be offended. Your only defense at that point is that the blood will get under your nails otherwise. Best suggestion- clip your nails, file them smooth, and just clean them up afterwards.

    5- Have baby wipes next to the bed for cleanup afrerwards. It’s good aftercare, even when she isn’t on her period.

    6- Have sex.

    7- Bonus round: Have her explain the basics of this stuff and let you see the blood. It’s a natural female bodily function. Work through the wierdness and see that it isn’t that bad- it just needs more cleanup.

  18. If she is comfortable she can wear a disc. They sit up and out of the canal, as opposed to a tampon or cup that sits in the canal. I don’t have heavy enough periods to use them anymore but when I did, they were fantastic and one of their big selling points is a mess free/less mess period sex. If put in right, you don’t even know it’s there and they can be readjusted unlike tampons. You wear a condom. Blood is blood. If she doesn’t feel comfortable with discs, use a towel or a puppy pad. Something to keep the blood from soaking the mattress

  19. I suggest waiting until after the 3rd day. My flow is always super heavy the 1st and 2nd day and it’s like the elevator from The Shining.

  20. Shower, tub, and anywhere else, I suggest you put down some towels…a lot of towels. Don’t look if you don’t like the look. It’s just blood, man. It’s natural. She’s beautiful. Love her for her.

  21. Put a tampon in and have her clean herself. You can eat her out with no blood. And then she can give you head

  22. I mean, you dont have to do it if you’re not comfortable with it? Neither me nor my husband want to do that, so we just have anal if we’re so horny that we can’t wait for 5 days

  23. As a man that has been married quite some time and also has difficulty enjoying sex while she is on her period, I recommend she get a vaginal “cup”. It collects the stuff but also allows you to penetrate her without any type of blood or discharge getting on you or the bed. It’s been a game changer for period sex with us.

  24. I see the blood and I’m always like “fuck yeah that’s so metal” so idk maybe try that

  25. First of all, make sure that she’s down to have sex while she’s on her period, and only then listen to the advice given in the comments.

  26. How are you sure SHE will want to have sex while she’s on her period? Have you considered she might say no sex until her period is over?

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