I started fingering her from behind, she was sitting, with her ass turned to me.

So her ass was spread open while I was fingering her. This putrid poop smell totally turned me off. The smell was terrible. I almost gagged.

(She was wearing a tampon, but she took it off to get fingered/licked)

I don’t care about body stuff, but shit is something that gets me. I can still smell it. Will I get over it? Is it possible to lose attraction over small stuff like this?

Is it related to the tampon? Should I tell her if it happens again? Maybe suggest wet wipes?

  1. She didn’t wipe / clean 100% and if she’s not aware and couldn’t smell it then I don’t know what to say. Have baby wipes on hand? But then she’ll ask why and you’ll have to tell her anyway.

  2. Did yā€™all prep first? Do you know what the prep is ?

    You have to prep, this is not an activity you can just jump right into

  3. She had poop in her butt and the poopy air leaked out into your nostrils. She probably couldā€™ve taken a dump earlier that day but decided not to for some reason

  4. Buttholes stink. No way around it. My GF has a big ass and if she hasnā€™t washed recently, and I open her butt cheeks to mess around, I can definitely smell ā€œbutthole flavorsā€ as she calls them šŸ˜‚

    We always joke about it. She goes and cleans up, and smell is gone. Itā€™s Not rocket science. The important thing is to not make a big deal about it. Communicate openly about it. Itā€™s not the end of the world like many people believe.

  5. This is something very prevalent with western women. A lotbof eaatern women wash their privates with soap, water, or both. Many American women use nothing but dry toilet paper. You understand now?

  6. Look, sometimes people donā€™t wipe well enough. It might not be her general hygiene. But things happen.

    Also, periods donā€™t smell great. They donā€™t usually smell like poop. But they donā€™t smell good.

    If this is a one time problem, then no big deal. If this begins to be a pattern then you need to learn to say something.

    I know it would be awkward to have to say something but if your comfortable enough to share your body with someone, then you need to find the ability to communicate. ā€œHey babe, do me a favor and run to the bathroom real quick and freshen upā€

    She may get embarrassed. But it happens. A relationship canā€™t grow without communication.

  7. Get some of those huggies wet wipes(You wonā€™t be able to live without them after your first use) & put them in the bathroom. Next time you guys talk, rant and rave about how itā€™s the best thing ever. Next time sheā€™s over sheā€™ll likely try it & see she needs to pay more attention down there. Just donā€™t flush them lol

  8. Both of you should Take a shower before hand. Everyone gets musty. If it happens again say something.

  9. Yall are both nasty AF. It’s not surprising that the type of girl who will take out her tampon to let someone lick/finger them doesn’t know how to wipe her ass correctly. Lesson learned

  10. Gather plenty of data so you can eliminate possibilities. Take another 100 samples and then draw some conclusions and address them with her.

  11. If you bring it up she will always be self conscious in the future and this is nothing you really want. She might not be comfortable with it at all anymore. Best is to shut up and hope it will not happen again or get used to it.

  12. Why oh why do people not wash before sexytime, thats like standard prep šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø

  13. It’s poop bro.
    You probably have micro poop particles all over you.
    That’s why you can still smell it. Take a shower. Wash your clothes. Your throat will be sore take some Tylenol.

    Good luck!

  14. I asked a girl to shower with me first…told her “I want to be clean for you, let’s shower together!” And told her sometimes it’s hard to wipe ourselves perfectly,,,she understood. Especially, wearing a tampon.

  15. She needs to shower before doing anything sexual if sheā€™s on her period and using pads. Pads arenā€™t sanitary, thatā€™s why I switched to tampons. She was sitting in her blood all day. Of course there is going to be a smell. It was probably period blood smell, not shit smell.

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