I could give countless examples of why this is useful but I think you guys get the idea.

  1. I wouldve agreed with this if you didnt say “ONLY hangout with people you can be yourself around”. I do agree that it definitely helps keep yourself comfortable. But it’s definitely not the biggest cheat code in life. The only road i see that leading towards is a never ending cycle of chasing comfort and validation from other people.

    If you “trust yourself” then doesnt that mean that you should be able to be yourself around anybody, regardless of if they give you a safe space to be yourself? I think that your “cheat code” is looking in the right garden but using the wrong step by step approach.

    Quick question, there’s two people,one of them is used to being around all types of different people/personalities and the other one can only hangout with people that don’t challenge them. Who has the better character to play with? If there was a video game that was just like real life, are you gonna play with the character that knows how to adapt to any map and characters that they encounter, or the character that is great at being himself but he has to be around certain characters and maps to be able to use his powers?

  2. If this is done don’t you limit yourself socially and academically as well as financially because the more you engage the more you learn and the more you learn the more you grow. I’d say whatever is an obstacle in your life at the moment challenge it, it can’t be worse than catching a bullet randomly, plus you’ll surely grow.

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