At this very moment, how long is your armpit hair?

  1. Pretty short. I trim it with the clippers everytime i do my head. I actually do my whole body.

  2. Buzzed down to almost nothing. It was creeping out of the side while my arms were down, very visibly in a tank top. Plus, I was getting wads of deodorant stuck in it. So I buzzed it down

  3. Clean because I’m a woman but I came here to say to the men:

    Trim your armpit hairs for less sweat and odor- you’re welcome.

  4. Maybe like half an inch. I don’t like to force people to shave if they don’t want to, but I also think that some grooming is necessary. Armpits become sandpaper id shaved smooth though, hence why I leave a little hair on mine.

  5. Between one and two inches long.

    They just exist. They never smell. They never itch.

    They’re just kinda hanging out.

  6. Little more than stubble. I take the electric clippers over them roughly every 2-3 weeks for a halfass shave. Helps keep the BO from getting too bad

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