I have met some guys through OLD who I’ve gotten pretty deeply involved with. At least 3 men in the last 10 months. I’ve genuinely liked and cared for them in their own ways. Now, let me preface again, that I’ve been blocked by all three men. Obviously, none of them worked out and I’ve felt pretty heartbroken about it. Almost, becoming a little bit more cynical about dating each time. Having casual sex is just too difficult for me as I catch feelings pretty easily. I am genuinely someone that can find the good in anyone, and have made far more than it is worth efforts with men who I just don’t click very well with.

I am just wondering, how do I create more safe boundaries for myself so I will not get too attached before I am sure that they really want me too? It seems like they want me to care for them, until they don’t. I sometimes just like not getting to know anything about them until we have been on a date or two. I know the commitment and attachment can be a real turn off but it seems like that is what these men want but they also don’t.

I just feel so tired of investing in someone who flips the switch 3 months in and doesn’t want anything to do with me! I want to create steps for myself, so that I can guard my softness and care that should be saved for someone who can reciprocate the same thing.

  1. I don’t have any advice for you, but I heavily relate to all of this. I always care about the people I sleep with and invest a lot into guys who don’t invest anything in me. It’s hurtful and damages the self-esteem more and more each time it happens.
    For whatever reason, I’m drawn to emotionally unavailable men. They are all very different, but they share that one thing in common. Complete unavailability. Every therapist has told me it’s because my dad was unavailable to me in this way. I’m not certain. I haven’t been able to figure out how to set these boundaries and keep myself from getting so hurt.

  2. I mean three months is usually when most people decide if the person is worth commiting to , so I wouldn’t beat myself up too bad over this

  3. Just cherish what you have knowing most guys would kill to have what you had. I can’t even keep women interested in me for more than two dates, let alone sleeping with them

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