My introvertedness has developed to borderline social anxiety and I can’t talk to people anymore, there’s this very cute girl in my class and I wanna talk to her, but I seriously don’t know what to say, that has nothing to do with her being a girl, I just do not know how to start a conversation, how to talk. Please some advice will be appreciated on how to start a conversation with her

  1. Why bother talking to people?? People are draining to be around, judgemental pricks who lack empathy for one another and all relationships seem superficial. So, again, why bother?

  2. Well buddy I don’t know either, I suffer from the same problems I wish I could help but I couldn’t.

  3. My therapist recommended a book called The Fine Art of Small Talk. It’s an easy read. I’m about halfway through. Reading it is one thing. But, you’ve got to prioritize putting it into practice on a daily basis.

    I will say as a now 53 year old man, please do your best to put on your big boy pants and talk to that cute girl. Because some day you’re gonna be a 53 year old man having wished you talked to those cute girls when you had the chance.

    I was just thinking today, I wish I had Reddit back when I was in college. Perhaps I could of learned more about socializing, sex, love, and dating sooner. Now here I am trying to play catch-up…

    Invest in becoming the best version of yourself and try to grow your strength and comfort zone every day.

    Good luck and Godspeed.

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